Chania Girls’ In Deep Trouble After Vaccinating Students Without Consent.

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Parent Gives Chania Girls School 24Hrs To Explain Daughter’s Forcefully Vaccination.

Letter by a parent to Chania Girls’ High School

Chania Girls High School administration has been given 24 hours to explain to a parent why his daughter was forcedly vaccinated.

In a lengthy letter, Mathew Ashers Ochieng questioned why the school did not seek his permission before forcing his daughter to get the vaccine.

He warned the institution not to make decisions about the children without consulting their parents.

Mathew Ashers Ochieng, a parent of a student at Chania Girls High School in Thika, has written to the school to inquire about why his daughter was forced to be vaccinated.

The parent explains in the letter dated February 16 that he received notification from the Ministry of Health (MOH) that his daughter had received the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine.

As a result, he wants the school to explain why it coerced his daughter into receiving an “experimental” drug injection.

Students Above 15 Years Can Now Receive Covid-19 Vaccine – Education Ministry

“Is there a Ministry of Education circular that has authorised the forceful vaccination of my daughter signed by the Cabinet Secretary?”

Ochieng also questioned why the school did not seek his permission despite the fact that he had been on the school’s grounds the previous morning.

He inquired. The clearly irritated parent gave the school 24 hours to respond, warning that failure to do so would result in legal action.

His concerns stem from what he perceives to be the school’s takeover of the children without involving the parents in decision making.

“Our children are not your property or stock for gamification and must not be mistreated as such,” he warned.

The management of Chania Girls had not yet to respond at the time of filing this report, but we will keep you updated on the case as it progresses.

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