Teachers Of Migori KUPPET BEC fall out with National Executive Board over TSC’s TPD.

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Teachers Of Migori Strongly Reject TSC’s TPD to train on the listed institutions through their KUPPET branch. The widely reported teacher professional program has drawn reactions from across the board. News of it hit the media yesterday with citizen Tv burrowing its claws in it.

Citizens TV news item on TSC’s TPD

In a letter heavily worded, the teachers of Migori have expressed their concerns about their employer TSC’s latest move to have them retrained on a program dubbed Teacher Professional Development under the present circumstances on the said stipulated requirements.

Since the joint launch of the program by the teacher unions in the country, TSC and Ministry Of Education on Wednesday this week 22nd September, 2021, social and mainstream platforms have seen teachers poke holes on the modalities of move, questioning the exact motives and intentions of the employer and The Ministry Of Education and generally feeling sharply betrayed by their own unions under the leadership of their own elected bosses.

While adding a voice on the teachers’ disquiet this morning, Migori County KUPPET branch has taken a bold move to take the bull by the horn. In a letter dated 24th September, 2021, the branch Executive Secretary Mr. Orwa Jasolo directly expressed the teachers’ concern about the said TSC program TPD.

The letter read in parts (and paraphrased), whereas the TSC’s move to implement TPD is good in way of addressing gaps in the profession, the cost implication was not factored in, it is the responsibility of the employer to shoulder it. Mr. Orwa also wondered why the teachers views were not sought and factored in. He noted with concern that teachers retraining, workshops and capacity building programs are handled differently from their counterparts from the public service and public universities where PSC comes in to care for their financial implications.

While addressing the media on the same, the Executive Secretary, Mr Orwa Jasolo plainly stated that the teachers views were ignored, neglected and misinterpreted. He strongly outlined that no form of training has ever been made compulsory even to the workers about to retire. It is also in the view of teachers that the training should not cover a lifetime, 30 years as the employer intends.

Mr. Jasolo appealed to the government of the republic of Kenya to identify a public university in each and every country to aid in the implementation of PDT. In this Covid-19 era, it would be most imprudent to clamp over 300 000 teachers in about four universities which are already congested.

Below is the image of the letter.

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