Headteacher of school where all KCPE students allegedly scored 75 in science speaks

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A School in Isiolo county has treated Kenyans to perhaps a once in a life time occurrence after their students seemed to have posted similar Marks on the same subject.



Brainstar school Isiolo where all KCPE candidates scored simillar mark in Science [photo:BrainStar School/Facebook




According to a picture of the Brainstar School _Isiolo KCPE results posted on their Facebook page, all the 2023 candidates scored 75% in the science subject.




The schools headteacher Mr Peter Ochieng speaking to Capemedia.africa on phone disputed the result sheet however he indicating that the total number of candidate who sat for KCPE at the school are 47 and not all got 75% in science, as the post seems to have mislead the public.

“We only had 47 candidates sit for the KCPE, however on the list we only have 26 candidates appearing. some students got below 75.” he stated


But by counting the number of students with 75% in science are 32 according to the results sheet.




Something else to note in the overall result the candidates have a difference of two points or one between them.




Not forgetting the result do not indicate the index numbers of the students as well as Mean score of the school.




“Whoever posted those results did not post the full results I don’t know why,” stated MR.Ochieng

” If you go to most schools in Isiolo many students have gotten between 76 and 75 marks” he added

” Also Just because there was a similarity in the results does it mean it is wrong?, the students sat for the exams and KNEC marked the papers and issued the results”

…the science paper was easy for the student does that mean that it is wrong for them to get the 75% marks” he added the school principle Mr. Ochieng.




After the phone call conversation with the headteacher the post was deleted from both Facebook and X(formerly twitter) handles.




According of to the conversation with the principle the 2023 class was the second Cohort of students to sit for National Exams in the school.




“The first KCPE we got a mean score of 402, now that we have not gotten the best results we are now trending on social media.the student that we have here are very bright”




This years Kenya Certificate of Primary Education result saw a significant drop in results compared to 2022 as the top student only managed to score 428 marks.





Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu termed it a great improvement compared to last year’s KCPE examinations, since the number of cheating cases had reduced significantly.





Only two candidates out of 1.4 million who sat for the 2023 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) were caught cheating.





One of the candidates was found in the examination room with unauthorized notes while the other had a mobile phone, contrary to examination rules.




The number of Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) candidates who scored below 100 marks tripled this year.


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