Wajackoya G: “Kenya Has The Most Foolish Education System. I Plan To End CBC too.”

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Wajackoya G: “Kenya Has The Most Foolish Education System. I Plan To End CBC too.”

George Wajackoyah has given his views concerning the CBC education system in Kenya. While asked about it in an interview at Citizen TV, he showed a negative reaction about it.

He said that the Curriculum Based Education won’t work in his government once he assume office of the president.

He said that Kenya has the most foolish education systems, starting with the 8-4-4 to what they want to implement at the moment.

He gave an example with USA where parents are the one who determine what their kids will learn.

He said that we can’t have an education system where only government decide what parents and students will follow.

He said that all the stakeholders, that is parents, students, government and teachers should be included in making education decisions.

He said that parents should be allowed to make decisions of the education their children needs.

He said that CBC is not favouring parents especially those in marginalised areas. He said that they should have education that favours their culture and CBC is not taking this into account.

Should Wajackoyah be the next president, we might not see CBC anymore.

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