TSC: Announcement On The Employment Of The 10000 Teacher Interns.

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According to the Daily Nation newspaper, yesterday  the Teachers Service Commission has finally made some good news by announcing its plans to recruit over 10000 teachers on internship to work as from january 2022.

While speaking at TSC headquarters during a stakeholders meeting yesterday, Dr. Nancy Macharia mentioned that there is still a high shortage of teachers . Macharia says that with 100% transition, there is need to employ more teachers to curb the shortage.Also the directive made by President Uhuru Kenyatta for the construction of more classrooms will force TSC to employ more teachers.


Unemployed teachers have been urged to stay alert and keep on checking on Teachers Service Commission official website https://teachersonline.tsc.go.ke for actually dates, new requirements and interview roadmaps.

Those who will secure internship will have a high chances of being absorbed absorbed when permanent and pensionable vacancies are advertised.

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