Ministry Sets Limits And Restrictions On Schools’ BOM Membership.

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Ministry of Education (MoE) and Teachers Service Commission (TSC) officers have been barred from sitting in schools’ boards over presumed conflict of interest.



The Basic Education Principal Secretary (PS) Jwan Julius said it has come to the attention of the Ministry that when these officers sit in school boards, it compromises service delivery in the institutions.



In a circular to all Regional Directors of Education, County Directors of Education and Sub County Directors of Education, Jwan directed that the officers should not be allowed to sit in public school boards.




“It has been decided that employees of Ministry of Education and TSC shall not be nominated for appointment to Boards of Management (BoM),” said Jwan in a circular dated January 5, 2022.




However, Jwan said that the nomination of teachers’ representative and the head of school who is the secretary to BoM in line with Section 56(1)(c) of the Basic Education Act will stand.




According to the Act, the school board comprises six persons elected to represent parents of the pupils in the school or local community in the case of county secondary schools.



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