Inside Ministry Of Education’s Plan To Change Closing Dates. See Details

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It is true that the Government has been dedicated in building schools and employing thousands of teachers to teach students and assess them every time.

Bad news however is that most students have not been considerate enough to take good care of these facilities that have seen parents and government subscribing through the nose to come up with  these.

Some  unruly  students have been arrested by police officers after participating in burning and destroying their own schools, a behavior that has remained and regarded to being quite unreserved.

What worries the country most is that these cases are becoming more each day ,something that has forced the ministry of the education remain at crossroads thus forcing it to arrive at regrettable solutions.

Among these decisions include the ministry of education proposing for the banning of all boarding schools as well as sending all students home in schools that have reported unrest thus disrupting learning and teaching activities in schools.


It should also be remembered that I such mees, there are also innocent students who have been greatly affected by these decisions Such as indefinite Closure of schools.
Since the beginning of term 2 ,2021, below is a list of sample  Schools that have been so far witnessed fire cases as well as other student Indiscipline issues.
These schools include Buruburu Girls High School,Kanjuri High School in Nyeri County,Ofafa Jericho in Nairobi County,Namboboto Secondary School from Busia,Kijabe Boys High School from Kiambu County
,Mbugiti Boys High School from Murang’a County,Kahuhia Girls National School from Murang’a County,Moi High School Kabarak from Nakuru County,Kibirigwi Girls Highschool From Kirinyaga county.
Amabuko Secondary School from Kisii County,Kipkabus Boys High School,Kakamega Secondary School from Kakamega County
,Amasago Boys Secondary from Kisii County,Kiriani Boys High school from Tharaka Nithi County,Muthambi Boys High school from Tharaka Nithi county,
St John Nyamagwa Boys High School from Kisii County,Nyamira boys high school in Nyamira county among many other schools that are reported  daily.
Infact so far, more than 35 schools have been torched with the latest cases being that of  Garissa and Maranda  boys who torched their schools dormitories.

Considering the above incidences ,my opinion as an academician therefore is to advice the ministry to change the tje closing  dates for all primary and  secondary schools and send alll students home  early enough instead of waiting until 23rd December so as to reduce this pressure in the country that has indeed biled up.

Once again with the ongoing current trends in the country, there is no need to  wait for closing date since for a fact  more schools will definitely become destroyed by students as they seem to be tired of being in school.

In whichever way my opinion shall be looked at, the truth of the matter is that this move will definitely reduce parents burden of paying the penalities as other schools have started issuing new guidelines as students are encouraged to report back to school with money to cater for damages and other expenses as well.

Ministry of education is encouraged to have Plans so  far in place to see the possibility of closing the schools early and from every indicator,. dates below 23rd December, 2021 are preferred according to sources. 
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