KUPPET: BBF Reviewed Upwards To Minimum Of Ksh.10,000 For Victim Members.

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Kuppet BBF Increases Fund To A Minimum Of Ksh. 10,000 For Teachers :Details
It is a message of better tidings as Kenya Union Of Post Primary Teachers, KUPPET members  who in the past have experienced challenges in matters of death involving their members who pass on as individual branches have decided to open BBF to find solutions to these challenges.
Although the BBF has paused some challenges, NGCW has come to the rescue by offering some guidelines to offer solutions in various BBF branches. Those branches without BBF are thus so encouraged to start one but the members shall not be charged over Ksh. 150.
For smooth performance and easier running of the burial ceremony, NGCW will be on the look out of the programme to avoid squandering of the money.
NGCW has been advised to open windows to receive complains and challenge arising from various branches that are BBF based then addressed to the chairman of NGCW.
The nuclear family and at most two parents shall be covered as beneficiaries by BBF and this exercise shall be implemented by branches to cushion members from fraud during claims.
During the Annual General Meeting the financial benefits shall be categorized as follows:

NOTE: KSH 10,000 shall be given during fund raising from the stipulated figure. Branches with projects can also vary the figures stipulated above.
To raise burial money the branches are supposed to source for funds through innovations like fund raising and general income projects. Auditors shall be appointed for each consecutive year during the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and shall not be office bearers or a delegate of the scheme. Executive Committee shall be held three times a year or once every month.
The KUPPET head office will control all the BFFs and all branch Secretariat staff also contributes like other members and benefit like other members. A special Annual General Meeting shall be held under the direction of the committee.
Governance and management of the scheme
BBF Executive committee: shall consist of Executive Secretary., BEC treasurer and 3 delegates from sub-counties.
Signatories: shall have 3 signatories as follows:
Executive secretary who is co-opted as patron but a mandatory signatory
BBF chairman NOT BEC chair
BEC treasurer
© Central management committee (CMC)
.Shall be composed of the executive committee and all elected delegates from sub-counties with each sub county having one delegate elected during branch AGM.
.All these delegates shall be TSC registered members.
.The delegates shall run the affairs of the fund for a period of 5 years continuously and can seek re-elected when their term expires.
Duties and responsibilities of office bearers
The Chairperson
Preside over all committee meetings and general meetings of the scheme
In case of a tie of votes at any meeting he/she shall have a casting vote.
Two committee members
One of whom shall stand in for the chairperson if he/she is absent:
Assist chairperson
Perform the duties of the chairperson in his/her absence
Duties and responsibilities of the secretary:
Execute the policy matters concerning the scheme.
Consult chairperson on matters concerning the scheme.
Responsible for keeping all records of the scheme.
Call for meeting in consultation with the Executive Secretary.
Duties and responsibilities of the Treasurer
Keep records of income and expenditure of the scheme.
Prepare the budget and estimate of the scheme.
Present audited accounts to members during the general meeting.
KUPPET Executive secretary/patron
Coordinate all activities of the scheme with liaison with respective delegate.
Responsible for queries from various offices hence guide on the best practice of fund management.

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