Efforts by Mightier Forces To Have Mudavadi Support Raila’s 2022 Presidential Bid.

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With 2022 general elections fast approaching, last minutes touches amongst leaders are witnessed. Such is the reality as leaders evidently seek it fix it right before the final moments, a number of them struggling to put up machinery that will help them conquer the elections against their competitors.

Musalia Mudavadi, a member of the One Kenya Alliance(OKA) had shown interest in running for the presidency in the 2022 polls but details of the deep state Mudavadi’s presidency have emerged.

According to the sources of reliable news, it informs that Musalia Mudavadi has since cooled down on the political rallies. Mudavadi who had started traversing the Nation has since stopped with fresh details on why he stopped his campaigning trail.

Musalia Mudavadi, according to The Standard is been pursued by strong forces within the government to draw his support to the Orange Democratic Movement party leader Raila Odinga who is also seeking the top country’s seat.

Sources aware of this also reveal that Mudavadi was a determined man seeking to run for the presidency and he had started campaigning just like his competitor William Samoei Ruto.

“Until two weeks ago, ANC leader was busy on the campaign trail, just like DP Ruto and ODM leader. But he has since cooled off amid revelations that powerful forces within the government want him to back the former prime minister.

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