KCPE Candidate Burns During Night Celebrations After Completing Class 8 Exams

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A KCPE candidate from Nyahururu Townview Academy in Ol-Joro Orok Constituency was on Wednesday night

 left nursing burn injuries she allegedly sustained during a fun-making exercise at the school compound shortly after completing her last national examination.

The pupil is said to have sustained facial and hand injuries as she celebrated with her classmates at night.




According to the victim, their school head teacher had asked all the candidates to gather outside the school

 compound and ordered them to light a bonfire after their evening meals as part of celebrations which went up to around 2:00 am.


Speaking at the Nyahururu County and Referral Hospital where she was taken for treatment,



the pupil recounted how they enjoyed the mood but unfortunately, she was pushed to the fire where she sustained the injuries.




Her parents however say they were never informed of the incident until Thursday morning when they went to pick up their daughter as instructed by the school following the conclusion of exams.



Esther Wambui, the girl’s mother, lamented that she learned of the incident from another pupil who

 directed her to where her daughter was lying while writhing in pain in the dormitories.




Mrs Wambui questioned why such an incident could have taken place and the school waited for hours before informing her and taking any action.




She is now demanding justice adding that it was unfortunate that the school management does not appear to be remorseful of the incident.




The parent has since reported the matter to the nearby Riverside Police Post, where she was first directed to take her daughter to the hospital for treatment.




It was not yet clear why the school management could allow such celebrations to go on till dead into the night, but the proprietor,



Mr Stanley Kiragu, asserts that it was just excitement by the pupils after completing their primary school education.




Kiragu downplayed the incident claiming it was just a minor accident and that’s why they could not have informed her parents.




He noted that the school had also taken up the initiative to take the pupil to the hospital but were asked to report early in the morning since she did not appear to have sustained serious burns.





However, the minor could neither open both her eyes nor eat due to the injuries she sustained on her face and both hands.




 The manager is also said to have asked the candidates to burn their school exercise books as a way of forgetting their struggles at the school but could not anticipate such an incident would have occurred.




He said the celebrations went on up to around 2:00 a.m Thursday, but could not explain why they allowed such an activity to take place at night when the pupils ought to be asleep.

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