Check These Requirements To Have Your Boda Boda Registered.

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The National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) has announced that the mandatory fresh registration of all boda boda riders will kick off on Monday, March 28 across the country.





In a notice dated Sunday, March 27, the regulatory authority released a list of requirements all riders are expected to present for a successful registration process.




The authority further indicated that the exercise would be open to all riders for the next  two months until Friday, June 24.




The exercise will be carried out at designated Huduma Centers across the country and riders should present their original identification (ID) cards.




An image of citizens getting services at NTSA offices
An image of citizens getting services at NTSA offices





The operators were also directed to carry their Copy of Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) Personal Identification Number and should have a working phone number.




“To register as a bodaboda rider, visit the nearest Huduma Center from March 28th to 24th June. Carry your original ID, Copy of KRA PIN & a phone with the rider’s number,” read the statement in part.




The Directorate had earlier announced that the first 200,000 people to register their boda bodas would enjoy a 12-month National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) cover for free.




All riders who would present their registration before the deadline would enjoy free services but registration fees would resume after the deadline.




The directive comes just days after President Uhuru Kenyatta ordered that the boda bodas should be registered afresh and retrained.




Speaking three weeks after ordering a nationwide crackdown on the sector, the President directed the Ministry of Transport under Cabinet Secretary, James Macharia, to fast-track the training process.




The Head of State noted that the training, which will be conducted in conjunction with St. John Ambulance, will include lessons such as first aid in a move he stated will boost the country’s first responder capacity.


Under the new scheme, boda boda operators will be able to protect themselves and offer assistance to the government during emergencies.

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