Best National Girls’ Schools In Kenya.

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The Kenya High School had its beginnings in 1910 when a co-educational school called the Nairobi European School began in buildings designed for police Barracks. In 1931 the boys were separated from the girls.


Grade garnered at the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, KCSE, exams determine the future (in most cases) of the learner. The KCSE grade determines the placement of the student at a tertiary institution (University, College, or Polytechnic).

It is every girl’s dream to get admission to one of the best national girls’ schools in Kenya. Besides being almost sure about good results KCSE national schools have unmatched approaches to developing other abilities.

In most situations, education in public schools is not taken seriously, but thanks to significant improvements, the teaching profession has become saner.

Although there are few national girls’ schools that are not performing well, the majority of them have continuously achieved outstanding results in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education-KCSE exam

Most parents wish to take their daughters to Girls’ only schools as opposed to mixed schools. It is the desire of each parent and or guardian to provide his or her child with the best quality education, more so at the Secondary school level.

This is because the grade garnered at the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, KCSE, exams determine the future (in most cases) of the learner. The KCSE grade determines the placement of the student at a tertiary institution (University, College, or Polytechnic).


A good grade will definitely enable the child to pursue a good and marketable course; thus, increasing chances of clinching employment after studies.




  1. Kenya High

The Kenya High School had its beginnings in 1910 when a co-educational school called the Nairobi European School began in buildings designed for police Barracks. In 1931 the boys were separated from the girls.

In 1935, the school was renamed The European Girls Secondary School and had its first Headmistress, Miss Kerby appointed. Kenya High has become a regular feature in Kenya’s top ten best secondary learning institutions in the past ten years.





  1. Alliance Girls High School

Alliance Girls’ High School (AGHS) is one of the most prestigious national girls’ boarding schools. The school is located near the small town of Kikuyu. Founded in 1948 as the African Girls High School, it is within walking distance from its brother school Alliance High School.




  1. Maryhill High

Maryhill Girls High is one of the best girls’ schools in Kenya, located in Thika. While the institution’s main intention was to educate mixed-race girls (who could not go to African or European schools), it is now open to bright students. The school is also a haven for students interested in extracurricular activities such as drama and sports.



  1. Moi Girls High School- Eldoret

It is the only national girls’ school located in Eldoret and one of the most sought-after girls’ institutions in Kenya, thanks to its academic excellence over the years. The school culture and facilities make Moi Girls’ High– Eldoret a perfect option for high achievers. Additionally, its clubs and societies give students holistic growth as they transition from high school to university.



  1. . Pangani Girls

Pangani Girls is a prestigious national school and of the best-performing girls’ schools in Kenya. It is located along Juja road in Nairobi County. Since introducing the 8-4-4 system, it has performed well, becoming an ideal option for KCPE top achievers. In the past two decades, the school has produced top students in the national examinations country.



  1. Sironga Girls’ High School

This is one of the best girls’ national schools located in Nyamira County, Kenya. It is one of the top schools in the country. was started in July 1968 by the then vice president Daniel Arap Moi. The school has been nicknamed ‘Maroon palace’ because their uniform is maroon. The school is founded on strong religious background, backed by the faith of the Adventists.




  1. Brigids Girls High- Kiminini

It is a national school located in Saboti Constituency, Trans Nzoia County. It is committed to providing a safe, positive, and intellectual learning environment for all students. Even with one of the most prominent students populations in a national center of learning, it has consistently registered impressive results since the early 2000s.



  1. Limuru High

Limuru Girls High is a national secondary learning institution located in Limuru Constituency Kiambu County of Central Region, Kenya. Limuru Girls High is a girls’ only public boarding secondary school.



  1. Kipsigis Girls High School

Kipsigis Girls is a school of choice where education is the fountain of knowledge. It is located in Kericho County and is one of the top-performing national schools in the country.


  1. Bunyore Girls High

Bunyore Girls is the best school for girls in the western region. Even with one of the highest student populations on this list, it has consistently competed against other learning centers. As a result, more than 80% of the institution’s candidates have earned a place at local and international universities in the last ten years.




Other good girls’ schools in Kenya to take your daughter.

This list of best girl schools in Kenya has been ranked according to the 2021 KCSE results.


Also note that most of the institutions below are rated among the top 100 national girl schools in Kenya (from the 2021 KCSE results).


Kenya High School-Nairobi(10.42)

St Brigid’s Girls Kiminini- Transzoia (10.05)

Moi Girls, Eldoret -Uasin Gishu(9.52)

Mary Hill Girls High Sch-Kiambu(9.512)

Lugulu Girl’s High School (Bungoma County)-9.4814

Moi Tea Girls-Kericho(9.137)

Moi Girls High,Sindo- Homabay(9.000)

Bishop Gatimu Ngandu Girls-Nyeri(8.858)

Nyabururu Girls High School-Kisii(8.84)

Asumbi Girls -Homa Bay(8.812)

Sironga Girls-Nyamira(8.76)

Nakuru Girls High School-Nakuru county(8.7)

Chogoria Girls High School-Tharaka Nithi(8.65)

Bunyore Girls High School-Vihiga County(8.563)

St Mary’s Igonji-Meru(8.52)

Kapsabet Girls-Nandi(8.5)

Kyeni Girls High- Embu(8.49)

Butere Girls-Kakamega(8.30)

Tabagon Girls High-Baringo(8.3)

Starehe Girls Center-Kiambu(8.23)

Kaaga Girls-Meru(8.22)

Bishop Linus Okok Girls(Homa bay)-8.2

Kisumu Girls High-Kisumu(8.15)

Joseph’s girls Cheptiret-Nandi(8.14)

Metkei Girls High-Elgeyo Marakwet(8.1)

Maria Soti Girls High-Elgeyo Marakwet(8.07)

Muthale Girls High School-Kitui County(8.02)

Ndalat Gaa Girls’ High Sch- Elgeyo Marakwet(8.01)

Moi Kapsowar Girl’s Secondary School(Elgeyo Marakwet County)-8.0

Rangenyo Girl’s High Sch-Nyamira(7.9448)

Moi Girls Isinya-Kajiado(7.92)

Kaplong Girls-Bomet(7.9)

Matuga Girls-Kwale(7.89)

St Theresa’s Wamba-Samburu(7.84)

Moi Siongiroi Girls-Bomet(7.8)

Rangala Girls-Siaya(7.79)

Ruth Kiptui Girl’s High Sch-Baringo(7.7)

A Kolanya Girls Secondary School(Busia)-7.69

Bura Girls High School (Taita Taveta County)-7.5

Mama Ngina Girls High School(Mombasa County)-7.41

Mary Mount Girls Secondary School (Molo sub-county, Nakuru)-7.32

Ngiya Girls High School(Siaya County)-7.3

Kereri Girls-Kisii(7.3)

Riokindo Girls High School-Kisii(7.2)

Bahari Girls Secondary School (Kilifi County)-7.16

Saseta Girls Secondary(Bomet)-6.9

Ndaraweta Girls Secondary(Bomet)-6.755



Other good schools

Now proceed reading below..👇

  1. Alliance Girls- Kiambu
  2. Pangani Girls- Nairobi
  3. Loreto Girls Limuru –Kiambu
  4. St Josephs Chepterit Girls-Nandi
  5. Kipsigis Girls-Kericho
  6. Mbooni Girls-Makueni
  7. Moi Girls High School,Nairobi-Nairobi
  8. Mahiga Girls Secondary School-Nyeri (Mahiga girls ranks as one of the best extra county girls schools in Kenya)
  9. Precious Blood Riruta-Nairobi
  10. St Albert Girls High School-Migori
  11. Carmel Girls Schools-Machakos
  12. Ogande Girls-Homa Bay
  13. Metkei Girls-Elgeyo Marakwet
  14. St Francis Girls High School-Kiambu
  15. Tengecha Girls-Kericho
  16. St Charles Lwanga Ichuni Girls-Nyamira
  17. AIC Litein Girls-Kericho
  18. Kangaru Girls-
  19. Turkana Girls National School-Turkana
  20. Siakago Girls-
  21. Mugoiri Girls-Murang’a

Best girl schools in Kenya -Other national girls school in Kenya

  1. Theresas Tartar Girls High School(West Pokot County)
  2. Karima Girls High School (Nyandarua county)
  3. Lamu Girls Secondary school (Lamu County)
  4. Ngao Girls Secondary School (Tana River County)
  5. Kisima Girls High School(Samburu County)
  6. Moi Nyabohanse Girls High School(Migori County)
  7. Wajir Girls Secondary School(Wajir County)
  8. Limuru Girls High School(Kiambu County)
  9. Matuga Girls High School(Kwale County)
  10. Our Lady of Consolata Mugoiri Girls High School(Murang’a County)
  11. Moi Girl’s Secondary School (Marsabit County)
  12. Isiolo Girl’s High School(Isiolo County)
  13. Njonjo Girl’s High School(Laikipia County)
  14. Ole Tipis Girl’s Secondary School (Narok County)
  15. Kisumu Girl’s High School(Kisumu County)
  16. NEP Girls High School(Garissa County)


Best girl schools in Kenya – other reputable girls schools in Kenya

  1. St Francis Rang’ala girls (Siaya county)
  2. State house girls (one of the best girl schools in Nairobi)
  3. Othaya girls (Nyeri county)
  4. Kathiani girls (Machakos county)
  5. Kabare girls (Kirinyaga county)
  6. St Mary’s girls school (Nairobi county).
  7. Mutira girls (Kirinyaga county)
  8. Moi Girls’ High School- Nairobi
  9. Bahati Girls Secondary School (Nakuru)
  10. South Tetu Girl’s High School(Nyeri)
  11. St Charles Lwanga Ichuni Girls(Kisii County)
  12. Sing’ore Girls High School ( Elgeyo Marakwet County)
  13. Naivasha Girls (Nakuru county)
  14. Buru Buru Girls (Nairobi county)
  15. Clare Girl’s-Nakuru (Nakuru county)



More Girls’ High Schools in Kenya to consider in different counties

In addition to the above best girl schools in Kenya, there are many other decent girls secondary schools in Kenya that you can take your daughter to depending on their KCPE results.

Here they are:

Murang’a county

  1. Mumbi Girls High School
  2. Kamahuha Girls High School
  3. Nginda Girls Secondary School
  4. Ng’araria Girls Secondary School
  5. Kahuhia Girls’ High School
  6. Makuyu Girls Secondary School
  7. Githunguri Girls High School
  8. Ruchu Girls Secondary School
  9. Kiria-Ini Girls Secondary School
  10. Kibutha Girls Secondary School
  11. Gitugi Girls High School
  12. Gatanga Girls’ Secondary School
  13. Kianderi Girls Secondary School

Kiambu county

  1. Loreto Girls High School
  2. Anne’s Secondary School-Lioki
  3. Chania Girls’ High School
  4. Precious Blood Kagwe Girls Secondary School
  5. Ndumberi Girls Secondary School
  6. Kijabe Girls High School
  7. Francis Girls High School (Mang’u)
  8. Senior Chief Koinange Girls High School
  9. Senior Chief Mwangeka Secondary School
  10. Mahoo Girls’ Secondary School
  11. Muthurwa Secondary School
  12. Mwakitawa Secondary School
  13. Mary Leakey Girls’ High School
  14. Our Lady Of Perpetual Succour Girls Secondary School

Machakos county

  1. Mua Hills Secondary School
  2. Mumbuni Girls’ School
  3. Machakos Girls’ High School
  4. Muthetheni Girls’ Secondary School
  5. Vyulya Girls’ Secondary School
  6. Francis Misyani Girls High School
  7. Masii Girls’ Secondary School
  8. Matungulu Girls School
  9. Sengani Secondary School
  10. Josephine Bakhita Masinga Girls’ High School
  11. Tala Girls Secondary School
  12. Nyayo A.I.C Girls Secondary School

Kitui county

  1. Angela’s Girls Secondary School
  2. St Ursula Girls’ Secondary School-Tungutu
  3. Yambyu Girls Secondary School
  4. Mutomo Girls Secondary School
  5. Monica Girls Mulutu Secondary School
  6. Kimangao Girls Secondary School
  7. I.C Sombe Girls Secondary School
  8. Teresa’s Ukasi Girls’ Secondary School
  9. Kyondoni Girls Secondary School
  10. Itoloni Girls Secondary School
  11. Thitani Secondary School
  12. A I C Kyome Girls Secondary School
  13. Nzeluni Girls Secondary School
  14. Chuluni Girls’ Secondary School
  15. Mulango Girls High School
  16. Maliku Girls’ Secondary School
  17. Itoleka Secondary School
  18. Mbitini Girls’ Secondary School
  19. Mary’s Mutito Girls Secondary School
  20. Ikutha Girls Secondary School


Embu county

  1. Mary’s Kiangima Secondary School
  2. Kangaru Girls School
  3. St Teresa’s Girls’ – Kithimu
  4. Kyeni Girls’ High School
  5. Catherine Nthagaiya Girls Secondary School
  6. Mariari Girls Secondary School
  7. Kiriari Girls High School
  8. St Agnes Kiaganari Girls Secondary School

Meru county

  1. Gikumene Girls ‘ Secondary School
  2. Maua Girls Secondary School
  3. Kaaga Girls’ High School
  4. Kirigara Girls Secondary School
  5. Kinjo Girls Secondary School
  6. Yururu Girls’ Secondary School
  7. Gakuuni Girls Secondary School
  8. Nkuene Girls High School
  9. Gikurune Girls Secondary School
  10. Ntunene Girls Secondary School
  11. Kangeta Girls’ Secondary School
  12. Ruiri Girls Secondary School
  13. Mikinduri Girls Secondary School

Marsabit county

  1. Moyale Girls Secondary School
  2. Sasura Girls’ Secondary School
  3. Gurracha Memorial Girl’s Secondary School

Makueni county

  1. Mwaani Girls Secondary School
  2. Barazani Girls’ High School
  3. Makueni Girls High School
  4. Joseph’s Girls Secondary Kibwezi
  5. Kisau Girls Secondary School
  6. Precious Blood Secondary’ School – Kilungu

Tharaka Nithi county

  1. Karamugi Secondary School
  2. Ikuu Girl’s Secondary School
  3. Chuka Girls’ Secondary School
  4. Magumoni Girl’s Secondary School
  5. Muthambi Girl’s High School
  6. Chief Mbogori Girl’s Secondary School
  7. Our Lady Of Mercy Girl’s Secondary School
  8. Makuri Girl’s Secondary School
  9. Iruma Girl’s Secondary School

Nairobi county

  1. Our Lady Of Mercy Secondary School-South B
  2. Huruma Girl’s High School
  3. Buruburu Girl’s Secondary
  4. Ngara Girl’s High School
  5. St Anne’s Girl’s Secondary School
  6. George’s Girl’s Secondary School
  7. Highridge Girl’s Boarding Secondary School


Samburu county

  1. I.C Moi Girls Samburu
  2. Wamba Girl’s Secondary School
  3. C.E.A Tum Girls’ Secondary School

Trans Nzoia county

  1. St Joseph’s Girls’’ High School Kitale
  2. Marks Girls High School
  3. Kwanza Girls’ High School
  4. Kabuyefwe Friends’ Girls’ Secondary School
  5. Friends Bwake Girls’ Secondary School
  6. Monica’s Girls’ High School, Kitale

West Pokot county

  1. Stephen Laikong Girls Secondary School
  2. Cecilia Girls’ Secondary School-Chepareria
  3. Nasokol Girls’ Secondary School
  4. Holy Rosary Girl’s High School

Bomet county

  1. Saseta Girls’ Secondary School
  2. Kaboson Girls’ Secondary School

Uasin Gishu county

  1. Seko Girls’ Secondary School
  2. Sugoi Girls’ Secondary School
  3. Turbo Girls’ Secondary School
  4. Drys Girls’ Secondary School
  5. St Catherine Girls’ Secondary School Kesses
  6. Kerotet Girls’ Secondary School


Nakuru county

  1. Jomo Kenyatta Girls’ High School
  2. Bakhita Bahati Girls’ Secondary School
  3. Maai-Mahiu Girls’ Secondary School
  4. Naivasha Girls’ Secondary School
  5. Njoro Girls’ Secondary School
  6. AIC Morop Girls’’ Secondary School
  7. Kirobon Girls  Secondary School

Kericho county

  1. Korongoi Girls’’ Secondary
  2. Tengecha Girl’s  Secondary School
  3. Chelilis Girl’s Secondary School
  4. Kipkelion Girls’ High
  5. I.C Litein Girls’ Secondary School
  6. Kaborok Girl’s High School
  7. Chepkoton Girl’s Secondary School
  8. Sosiot Girls’ Secondary School
  9. Sacred Hill Girls’’ High School – Londiani
  10. Londiani Girl’s Secondary School

Nandi county

  1. Kapsabet Girls High School
  2. Holy Rosary Girls’ Secondary School
  3. Our Ladyof Victory Girls Kapnyeb
  4. Aldai Girls Secondary School
  5. AIC Chebisaas Girls Secondary School
  6. Kapkolei Girls Secondary School
  7. Stephen Kositany Girls’ High School
  8. Tulwo Girls High School
  9. Ndalat Gaa Girls’ Secondary School
  10. Our Lady Of Peace Girls’ Secondary School
  11. Mary’s Tach Asis Girls  Secondary School

Laikipia county

  1. St Jude Nturukuma Secondary School
  2. Loise Nanyuki Girls’ Secondary School
  3. St Francis Girls Secondary School
  4. Gatero Girls High  School

Kajiado county

  1. Enoomatasiani Girls Secondary School
  2. Noonkopir Girls Secondary School
  3. Olooseos Secondary School

Narok county

  1. Maasai Girls Secondary School
  2. Mary’s Girls Secondary School
  3. Kilgoris Girls Secondary School

Baringo county

  1. Tabagon Girls’ Secondary School
  2. Kapropita  Girls  High  School
  3. Pemwai Girls’ Secondary School
  4. Eldama Ravine Girls High School
  5. Solian Girls High School
  6. Toniok Secondary School
  7. Ossen Secondary School
  8. Ruth Kiptui Girls High School-Kasok
  9. Mogotio High School
  10. Kimngorom Girls High School

Elgeyo Marakwet county

  1. AIC Girls Secondary School Kessup
  2. Santa Maria Girls Secondary School
  3. Yemit Girls’ Secondary School
  4. Kapkenda Girls’ High School
  5. Mokwo Girls Secondary School
  6. Our Lady Of Glory-Kaptagat Girls High School

Busia county

  1. Stephens Lwanya Girls Secondary
  2. Bishop Sulumeti Chelelemuk Girls High School
  3. Cecilia Nangina Girls High School
  4. St Monica Chakol Girls’ High School
  5. Busiada Girls’ High School

Bungoma county

  1. Cardinal Otunga Girls High School
  2. Kibuk Girls High School
  3. Cecilia Girls Misikhu
  4. Ndivisi Girls High School
  5. Moi Girls High School, Kamusinga
  6. Chwele Girls High School

Kakamega county

  1. Bishop Sulumeti Girls Secondary School
  2. Eregi Girls High School
  3. Musoli Girls High School
  4. Agnes Girls High School – Shibuye
  5. The Sacred Heart Girls, Mukumu
  6. Mary’s Mumias Girls  High School
  7. Mary Seat Of Wisdom Bulimbo Girls Secondary School
  8. Moi Girls’ Secondary School-Nangili
  9. Anne’s Nzoia Girls’ Secondary School

Vihiga county

  1. Mudavadi Girls High School
  2. Madira Girls’ High School
  3. Clare’s Maragoli Girls
  4. Goibei Girls High School
  5. Tigoi Girls Secondary School
  6. Friends School Kaimosi Girls
  7. Pauls Erusui Girls High School
  8. Moi Girls’ Secondary School-Vokoli
  9. Friends School Keveye Girls
  10. Igunga Girls’ High School

Kisumu county

  1. Ahero Girls Secondary School
  2. Migingo Girls Secondary School
  3. Barnabas Girls’ Secondary School
  4. ACK Rae Girls High School
  5. Nyakach Girls’ High School
  6. Sigoti Complex Girls Secondary School
  7. Achego Girls Secondary  School
  8. Koru Girls Secondary School
  9. Sinyolo Girls Secondary School

Kisii county

  1. Kereri Girls High School
  2. Angela Sengera Girls Secondary School
  3. Suneka Secondary School
  4. E L C K Itierio Girls Secondary School
  5. Nyangoge Girls Secondaryschool
  6. Itibo Girls Secondary School
  7. Theresa’s Nyangusu Girls Secondary School
  8. Charles Lwanga Ichuni Girls High School
  9. Mary’s Nyamagwa  Girls Secondary School

Homa Bay county

  1. Ogande Girls’ High School
  2. Moi Girls’ Secondary School – Sindo
  3. Gabriel’s Gwassi Girls Secondary School
  4. Mirogi Girls Secondary School
  5. Magina Girls Secondary School
  6. Nyamasare Girls’ Secondary School
  7. Ambassador Pamela Mboya Girls Secondary School
  8. Mawego  Secondary School
  9. Bishop Linus Okok Girls’ Secondary School
  10. Dudi Girls Secondary School

Siaya county

  1. Bishop Okoth Girls’- Mbaga Secondary School
  2. Nyamira Girls Secondary School
  3. Nyamonye Girls’ Secondary School
  4. Mary’s Lwak Girls’ School
  5. Sega Girls Secondary School
  6. Nyawara Girls’ Secondary School
  7. Aluor Girls Secondary School
  8. Francis Ranga’la Girls Secondary School

Nyamira county

  1. Our Lady Of Mercy Rangenyo Girls Secondary School
  2. St Mathias Mulumba Secondary School
  3. Paul’s Nyandoche Secondary School
  4. Tombe Girls High School
  5. Kebabe Girls Secondary School

Migori county

  1. Kadika Girls’ Secondary School
  2. Nyabisawa Girls Secondary School
  3. Oyugi Ogango Girls’ Secondary School
  4. Nyaroha Girls Secondary School
  5. Bande Girls Secondary School
  6. Albert’s Girls High School, Ulanda
  7. Mary Gorrety’s Dede Girls Secondary School
  8. Moi Suba Girls Secondary School
  9. St Mary’s Mabera Girls Secondary School

Garissa county

  1. Fafi Girls Secondary School
  2. Saka Girls Secondary School

Taita Taveta County

  1. Eldoro Girls High School
  2. Murray Girls’ High School
  3. Mwasere Girls’ Secondary School

Kwale county

Waa Girls Secondary School

Kilifi county

  1. Ngala Memorial Girls’ Secondary School
  2. Kakoneni  Girls  Secondary  School
  3. St Johns Girls Secondary School
  4. Kombeni Girls Secondary School
  5. Ribe Girls Secondary School

Nyandarua county

  1. Ndaragwa Girls
  2. Mt Kinangop Girls’ Secondary School
  3. Nyakiambi Girls Secondary School

Tana River County

Mau Mau Memorial Girls Secondary School

Nyeri county

  1. Muruguru Secondary School
  2. Teresa Moi Equator Girls’ Secondary School
  3. Naromoru Girls Secondary School
  4. Tumutumu Girls’ High School
  5. Bakhita Gataragwa Girls High School Nyeri
  6. Kangubiri Girls High School
  7. Our Lady Of Fatima Chinga Girls Secondary School
  8. Birithia Secondary School

Kirinyaga county

  1. Kerugoya Girls High School
  2. Ngaru Girls Secondary School
  3. Mugumo Girls’ Secondary School
  4. Bakhita Kiburia Girls’ Secondary School
  5. Ngiriambu Girls Secondary School
  6. Kiaragana Girls Secondary School
  7. Karoti Girls High School
  8. Mary’s Mwea Girls Secondary School

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