Relief To Teachers As Legislators Incorporate TPD Training Expenses In The Budgetary Review.

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It is a sigh of relief for teachers as MPs to include training fees in budget.


The education committee chair Florence Mutua says the process is ongoing budget review will include the cash in it.



National Assembly education committee chair Florence Mutua at a Nairobi Hotel on February 9.



The teachers who were to pay Sh6,000 each for professional development might no longer have to  pay if the ongoing budget review  bill is passed.



The cost will be settled by the Ministry of Education.
National Assembly education committee chair Florence Mutua said the funds will be factored in the general capitation allocated to the ministry.



Speaking during a committee on budget estimates, Mutua said the burden will soon be lifted from the teachers.



“As a committee we agreed that we will factor Teacher Professional Development in the ministry’s budget and the process is ongoing,” Mutua said.



If this is approved, teachers will no longer be deducted these funds to cater for the courses.



So far, Teachers Service Commission has developed one TPD module, the remaining will be achieved in the second half of the year.



The commission targeted to train 5,000 teachers; however 20,000 more enrolled for the program.



While submitting the commissions estimates, TSC finance manager Cheptumo Ayabei said the commission had put that into consideration.



“This is something we thought should be met just like other teacher’s provisions,” he said.



Previously, TSC boss Nancy Macharia said the program is a stand-alone project that needs a separate budget to be factored in.



Emuhaya MP Omboko Milemba also wanted the Macharia-led commission to heed to teachers’ cries and change the medical insurance cover provider.



Milemba said the current provider (Minet- AoN) has been serving teachers for a very long and it’s time for a change.
The Emuhaya legislator explained that teachers are not fully satisfied.



“I want to request TSC to change providers, teachers are really complaining,” Milemba said.



TSC’s Cheptumo said the change of providers necessitates lots of tendering procedures but that will be put in consideration.



“The suggestion is noted, TSC will try but it will be limited by policy. TSC will work to see if we can get a new provider,” he said.



TSC contracted the insurer on July 1, 2015 to manage the multi-billion-shilling medical plan.


TPD seeks to help teachers renew their professional certificates after every five years.

The teachers will now be required to undertake in-service professional training lasting for five years and get their certificates renewed.



The professional development will run for 30 years and has six modules each lasting five years.


Kenyatta University, Mount Kenya University, Riara and Kenya Education Management Institute are responsible.

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