KCPE RESULTS: CS Education Announces The Day For Releasing Results

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Next week will see the release of the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE).




Ezekiel Machogu, the cabinet secretary for education, claims this.




The CS stated that all marks are almost finished and that the results could be



released as early as next week while speaking in Nyaribari Masaba in Kisii County.

He claimed that the ministry had taken strong action to prevent any instances of cheating




during the administration of the national exams and warned parents not to


anticipate any instances of cheating when the results are released.



According to CS Machogu, the KCSE grading is going well and there will be few, if any, instances of cheating while he is in office.



“We will announce the KCPE examinations results next week and you will not hear any cases of cheating under the leadership of Machogu.




The grading of the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) is



progressing well and I can assure you, the results will not be riddled with any irregularities,” he stated




He claimed that as his government had placed all necessary safeguards in place to prevent cheating, examinations would be released without any doubtful issues.




He issued a warning against the distribution of false information about issues with the recently concluded KCPE



and the ongoing KCSE exams. He predicted that there won’t be any issues at all.




Exams for the KCSE are anticipated to be finished by December 23. Marking will start right after Christmas.





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