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1. _What makes a great nation is not the men it produces, but the men it honours._ I pay homage to the heroes, my fallen compatriots as well as those who came before us: Kenneth Matiba, Charles Rubia, George Anyona, Jean Marie Seroney, Martin Shikuku, Dedan Kimathi, Ngugi wa Thiong’o, Dr. Othiambo Mbai …

2. _I pay homage to my brother His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta_ for the foresight and sense of patriotism in initiating the dialogue that led to the handshake. We resolved to work together to unite our people in order to realize the Kenyan Dream as coined by the Founding Fathers.

3. _If the mountain was smooth, it would be impossible to climb it. I have reached very close to the peak._ I have seen the Batian and Lenana peaks, and the people have promised that we shall walk together to the Promised Land, if I prove that I understand and shall address their concerns.

4. _Azimio La Umoja is the third liberation for an Economic Revolution in our nation._ The first liberation brought us independence in 1963. The second liberation brought us the people-driven constitution of 2010. The Third Liberation is for the economic revolution in our nation.

5. _This meeting today is the culmination of the Azimio la Umoja journeys we have taken together to every corner of this nation_. Kenyans spoke from their hearts during the *FIFTEEN* Azimio la Umoja mammoth meetings.

6.  _Following the listening tours, and to address the concerns that emerged, we came up with a *Ten-Point People’s Programmes* as follows:_

1. Inua Jamii, Pesa Mfukoni
 A social protection programme that will deliver Ksh 6, 000 per month to two million of the country’s most needy families

2. BabaCare
A scaling up of the Universal Health Care pilot programmes to the rest of the country.

3. Kazi Kwa Wote
 Securing the welfare of the people by generating avenues for productivity, through job creation programs, investing in the critical jua kali sector and other macro and micro economic stimulation schemes

4. Uchumi Kwa Akina Mama
The programme will unlock access to financing for women-led businesses and provide support for women on other enabling factors such as access to assets for production, land tenure and proportional representation in all Government levels.

5. Hashtag Inawezekana
The program will equip our youth with the mindset, skills, funds and technology to enable them innovate at par and even surpass their global counterparts.
6. *Waste not a Single Child* – an aggressive scheme to ensure that all, not some, of our children get a rightful access to quality education. We will deploy a new army of teachers to deliver to our children.

7. Fukuza Njaa
We will factor in Climate Change adaptation and mitigation to support and help realize high agricultural productivity across the nation.

8. Maji Kwa Kila Boma
The program will radically reverse the artificial shortages and high cost of water, particularly for the poor.

9. One County, One Product.
The National Government will support materially and technically towards an ultimate vision where 47 vibrant counties begin industrializing at unstoppable rates; to ensure Kenya consumes its products, exports excesses and registers surpluses not deficits.

10. Principle of Administrative Continuity
By continuity, I mean building and improving on the gains that have been made by the administrations that came before. Africa suffers from a retrogressive mindset of starting afresh, instead of advancing existing accomplishments.
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