Hon. Musalia Mudavadi And His Kalenjin ‘Blood’ Ties Explained.

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As a shock to many, Hon. Musalia Mudavadi confirms his ties with the Kalenjin community today at a joint political rally with the DP. William Ruto in Nakuru.

What’s unknown to many Kenyans is that Mudavadi is a kalenjin by blood ties. He was in Baringo, Marigat.



He’s biological father was a kalenjin, Josiah Kiprono kibet.



Her Biological mother was a kalenjin, Rosebella Jerono married in Baringo.



He’s mother separated with Kibet.

Rosebella worked as a cook in Kabarnet High school. She met Moses Mudavadi who was working as a DEO in Baringo.


Moses Mudavadi married Rosebella as his 3rd wife.

Due to family rivalries, Musalia and his mother, Jerono,visited Western for the 1st time when Moses Mudavadi died.Moi fronted Musalia to succeeded his father as Sabatia Mp in 1989.



Musalia Uncle’s .Douglas and Albert Chimitei still live in Baringo, Marigat and Kabarnet .90% of Musalia relatives lives in Baringo.



Musalia also built a mansion in 1991 in Marigat after he’s elected!!

More of this info to follow

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