“I Would’ve Passed If I Did Exams at Night” Homabay Night Runner Blames Education System.

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Jack Songo sat for his KCSE exams in 2019 in one of the schools in Ndhiwa sub-county and scored a C-

Songo said he would have performed better if he could have done the exams at night since he is a nocturnal person.




The night runner said under the 2010 Constitution, the government is under obligation to recognise everyone’s unique contribution to nation-building.





Famed night Homa Bay county runner has blamed the Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha and Kenyan National Examination Council (KNEC) for making him fail his national exams in 2019.

Homa Bay night runner Jack Songo.Homa Bay night runner Jack Songo reading. Photo: Nairobi Wire.
Source: Facebook

Not active during the day

Jack Songo, who hails from Ndhiwa, sat for his KCSE in 2019 and got a C-, claimed he would have performed better if the examination body could have allowed him to sit the papers at night since he is nocturnal.



The night runner said he raised his concerns to the examination body before the exams started, but they did not listen to him.




“Our creativity and productivity as night runners is best at night and not in broad daylight like everyone else and that I why I told them to allow me to sit for the exams at night, but they refused,” he said.



Speaking to media, Songo said he could not see things clearly during the day, just like cat and hyena that only sees clearly at night.

“I am sure I would’ve passed if I did exams at night, as per my request, because that is when I’m active and see things clearly, ” he said.



At the same time, he claimed that he had been denied admission to several technical colleges to continue with his education.



” I have applied like the three institutions since I want to do a technical course, but I have always been rejected because I am a night runner and this is what is always happening to all night runners and even their children.”



Night runners don’t harm people

Defending his trade, Songo said society should embrace night runners, saying they have always been denied their right.




” We are friendly and in some way offer security to the community as we patrol homes and farms when everyone is dead asleep at night,” he said.



He said under the 2010 Constitution, the government is obligated to recognise everyone’s unique contribution to nation-building.





” Our people have are not even sacked once they know that you are night runners; some are even denied jobs despite qualifying, yet we do not harm people.”


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