Junior Secondary Schools are set to offer 23 subjects to the first inaugural Grade Seven Class in 2023.

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Junior Secondary Schools are set to offer 23 subjects to the first inaugural Grade Seven Class in 2023.



According to data from the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) seen by the media on Thursday,



December 15, it was revealed that students would pick 14 subjects with Mathematics and English made compulsory.


Other compulsory subjects included were Kiswahili, Integrated Science, Health Education, Pre- Technical Studies,



Social Studies, Business Studies, Agriculture, Life Skills Education, Sports and Physical Education.



Religious studies – compassing Christian Religious Education (CRE), Islamic Religious Education (IRE) and Hindu Studies were also included in the compulsory list.




Learners participate in practical classes under the CBC
Learners participate in practical classes under the CBC


However, it was indicated that students would only choose one from the religious category.


Optional subjects included in the Competency-Based curriculum (CBC) were; Arabic, Computer science, French,



German, Home science, Indigenous Languages, Mandarin, Performing arts and Visual Arts.




“Grade 7 is the first Junior Secondary School (JSS) level in the new education structure.




“The main feature of this level is a broad curriculum for the learner to explore talents, interests and abilities before



selection of pathways and tracks at the Senior Secondary education level,” read the document in part.



Additionally, KICD included various lessons to be taught per week.




Maths and English were allocated five lessons per week, while Kiswahili and science subjects were allocated four lessons per week.




Religious and optional subjects were allocated three lessons each, while PE was allocated two lessons.


On the other hand, Life Skills education was scheduled to be one lesson per week.




Grade Six students, who sat for the national examinations in November, are scheduled to move to Junior Secondary in January 2023.




According to the directive by President William Ruto, the schools are to be domiciled in primary schools.


President Dr William Ruto and Edcucation CS Ezekiel Machogu at Joseph Kang'ethe Primary School in Kibera, Nairobi County, to witness the beginning of Day 2 of KCPE and KPSEA exams on November, 29 2022
President Dr William Ruto and Education CS Ezekiel Machogu at Joseph Kang’ethe Primary School in Kibera, on day 2 of KCPE and KPSEA exams on November 29, 2022.
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