Just In: KUCCPS Reopens Revision For Application For The Next 4 Days.

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Just In: KUCCPS Reopens Revision For Loan Application For The Next 4 Days.

The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) has today announced the official opening of its portal to all the applicants whose first choice and and first revision choices were unsuccessful.

Through its official website,KUCCPS has said that these applicants will be accorded a final opportunity to do a second and final revision of degree and diploma courses of their ability and interest.

The portal will be open between 7th and 11th June 2022.Thisel four days window will suffice.

All KCSE of 2021 candidates are called upon to to revise their degree, diploma and certificate courses online before the expiry of the said deadline.

The names of the candidates whose first application and revision was unsuccessful have been published in the KUCCPS website and all applicants are supposed to visit the website and check out their names.

If a name is missing,it means that the candidate is already placed and successful.If a name appears in the published list,it means he/she should move with speed and apply for placement.

The Placement body has said the portal will be open from 7th June to 11th June 2022.

Further,KUCCPS has published the index numbers of all unsuccessful appliants.School principals should check to see if any candidate from his/her school appears in the list and commit to notify the candidate of the new development before expiry of the revision window.

Additionally KCSE candidates who failed to apply through their schools hence missing out on the First Revision of Choices are advised to make use of this opportunity to submit their applications.

One is required to select degree,diploma and certificate choices unfilled faculties listed on the website, and submit afresh.

Those who applied through their schools but missed the First Revision should pay pay the amount shown in the website before proceeding to submit the application

The results of the placement excercise are expected to be out after 11th June once the portal closes the second revision.

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