Just In: President Ruto Makes A Major Announcement On The Fate Of Grade 6.

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Photo courtesy of Kenya’s Head of State Dr William Samoei Ruto.



The Kenya’s Head of State Dr William Samoei Ruto has today the 30th day of November 2022 broken silence with a




pivotal announcement as well as a revelation of what will happen a short while on the Competency Based Curriculum.

The Head of State has announced that he will make a declaration on the fate of the Grade Six learners under the Competency Based Curriculum in a “short while”.




Giving Kenyans a glimpse of what going to happen to the curriculum, President Ruto has annouced that he will be



holding a high profile meeting with key stakeholders in a order to agree on how the Grade Six learners will transition to the next level under the Competency Based Curriculum.



The Head of State has urged all kenyan Citizens inhabiting distinguished local and regional destinations to exercise




utmost patience as they solemnly await his announcement on the fate of the Competency Based Curriculum.




“In a short while, we will be agreeing on how to transition to the next level in the curriculum. A strategic decision is going



to be arrived at in short while so that you can know how those in Grade Six will transition to the next level,” President William Ruto stated.


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