Keveye Girls’ In Vihiga County Goes On Rampage Following Claims Of Inecurity

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There was rampage from Keveye Girls High School Students in Vihiga County on Sunday. The learners were protesting over surge of insecurity and high handedness by the school administration.
According to Vihiga County Commissioner Ochilo Oyugi  the unrest started at 4am, where the rowdy students aimlessly threw stones before the police arrived at the institution by 7am.
Mr Oyugi confirmed that no property was destructed during the incident.
The unruly girls claimed the school management had ignored their complaints and insisted that the institution was insecure.
They further claimed that there was an unidentified man who usually breaks into the school dormitory (kilimanjaro) at night .
“The students began shouting at 4am. There is no substantial destruction of school property, we are still processing the situation,” said Mr Oyugi.
Vihiga County Police Commander Benjamin Ong’ombe said he dispatched his officers to the institution to restore order after being informed of the incident.
This is not the first time the institution is in the news for the wrong reasons.
In 2016, the school was in the news after a six-minute video emerged on social media showing teachers administering corporal punishment on students.
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