Meet Dennis Mutethia, Software Engineer Who adjusted Fuliza Limits To Between Ksh. 50,000 & Ksh. 100,000.

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A former safaricom employee in a fraud case that saw him acquire Ksh. 1.4 million after tampering with Fuliza limit has been released on bail.

Dennis Mutethia Muga, who was a software engineer in the department of financial services system planning was arraigned on Thursday.

Appearing before Kibera Senior Principal Magistrate Monica Maroro, the accused was charged with defrauding the telecommunication company of Ksh.1.4 million.

The court heard that between October 24th and 31st 2021, Muga illegally adjusted Fuliza limits of 14 lines enabling them to acquire abnormal limits ranging between Ksh. 50,000 and Ksh. 100,000.

He then reportedly used the said lines through his friends now with their Fuliza limits increased from Ksh. 3500 to Ksh. 50,000 to acquire credit loans amounting to Ksh. 1.4 million.

Muga pleaded not guilty to the charges levelled against him and was released on a Ksh.1 million bond or Ksh. 500,000 cash bail.

The case will be mentioned in early December 2021.

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