Joy As Dr. Miguna Miguna Congratulates Raila On The 2022 Presidential Race.

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Exiled Canadian-based Kenyan lawyer Miguna Miguna has hailed Azimio La Umoja Coalition Party presidential



candidate Raila Odinga for his performance in the 2022 presidential vote.





The fiery barrister and published author is on record dismissing the possibility of Raila emerging the winner in the vote,



courting support for Deputy President William Ruto instead.


He now seems to have changed tune, hailing Raila for an “unforeseen” performance in the concluded elections.



Miguna however pointed out that Raila would have resoundingly won if he would not have joined hands with President Uhuru Kenyatta.




“I’ll publicly admit that conman Raila Odinga has done better than I had predicted. But not because of the fake




“Martha Karua effect” or the fraudulent TIFA and Infotrak Research & Consulting Ltd polls.


He would have won by a large margin if he hadn’t betrayed Kenyans and become a project. Now he has lost,”



said Miguna Miguna.

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