Teachers Union, KNUT Sets Out To Meet TSC Over 2021-2025 Cashless CBA

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Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Secretary General Collins Oyuu thanked President Uhuru Kenyatta for his announcement of a 12% pay increase for low-wage workers.


According to Oyuu, Uhuru’s move demonstrated a government committed to improving the economy.



However, the official said CBC middle school should be housed in primary schools, where there is adequate infrastructure and qualified teachers.


He believes that Junior Secondary should be housed in secondary schools, which are scarce.


Oyuu also said that primary school teachers with bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees should be employed to teach CBC students.


He stated that Knut currently takes a dialogue approach to problems and that the problem of emotionally charged relocation will be solved soon.


“Those who confronted Knut have returned to their favorite counties and we thank the Teacher Service Commission for their cooperation,” Oyuu said.


He has stated that teachers will be transferred or left to teach at the stations where they will thrive most.


Negotiations on teacher professional development are also underway, according to the official, and Knut will only give in if Parliament allocates funds for the course to TSC.


He went on to say that Knut had signed a 2021-2026 cashless collective bargaining agreement in accordance with the Commission’s Wages and Remuneration Commission no cash guidelines.


Oyuu explained that this was based on a one-year review.



“On 6 and 8 July, Knut’s national steering committee will sit with the TSC to look into these issues,” he said.



According to Knut Hesbon Otieno’s Deputy Secretary General, the union had requested new talks with the Teachers’ Service Commission (TSC) after President Uhuru Kenyatta’s announcement on the minimum wage.


He said Knut’s research team is conducting an economic survey to be presented to TSC and that CBA 2021-2025 needs to be revised.


“We know the challenges we have, mainly an increase in the prices of basic raw materials,” he added.


During last year’s talks between TSC and all teachers’ unions, the need to follow the Wages and Compensation Commission (SRC) directive to freeze salary reviews for two years was stressed.


The TSC also took into account the current financial situation.



“To maintain industrial relations with the union, the TSC invited the unions to a second meeting and they reached an agreement. The Commission has signed a new CBA with the three unions for the period 2021-2025, “TSC said.


Knut defended his decision to sign a non-monetary CBA, saying the decision was made after extensive consultations with independent experts.

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