Honorable Drama: Azimio Senators Stormed Out Of Senate In Protest.

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Azimio senators stormed out of the Senate in protest after the clerk,



Jeremiah Nyegenye, announced that Wiper Party leader, Kalonzo Musyoka withdrew from the speaker race.





Narok Senator, Ledama ole Kina led the Azimio allied leaders in the protest.




“Pursuant to Standing Order No. 8, a candidate may by written notice to the clerk, withdraw his or her candidature before a ballot has started.




“In this regard, I want to draw to the attention of the senate and hon senators that this morning  Hon Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka, by a letter reference



WDM/SEM/GC 2022, his excellency withdrew his candidature of the speaker of the senate will not appear on the ballot paper,”



Ledama while addressing the media, stated that there were issues that needed to be clarified prior to electing a speaker.




“We need to school members to read their coalition agreement that there is no way they can cross to the other side of the senator.




“Bungoma senator-elect, Moses Wetangula, resigned (to run for National Assembly speaker) and now we are tied




at 23 senators each for Kenya Kwanza and Azimio La Umoja and we need to address that issue,” Ledama complained while addressing the media.

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