What You Didn’t Know About Today’s KRA Set Deadline For All Kenyans

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The Kenya Revenue Authority has delivered an early morning powerful message to all Kenyan citizens by publicly unraveling the instituted deadline date for making payments and filing the highly coveted PAYE Tax returns.

Addressing all Kenyan citizens via the Kenya Revenue Authority official Twitter page account, the Kenyan government notified the general public that today, 9th June 2022 was the established deadline for filing and paying the above stated tax category.

“Today is the deadline to file your PAYE return and make payment. Get started on itax.kra.go.ke/KRA-Portal,” the government stated.

Owing to the limited grace period available to kenyan citizens to pay and file the Pay As You Earn tax returns, the kenyan government unveiled the lane to navigate through when filling and paying the tax cohort which is simply visiting

 the official KRA website that is, itax.kra.go.ke or login into KRA official portal.

Photo courtesy of the Kenya Revenue Authority Commissioner General Mr James Githii Mburu.

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