TSC Mass Transfer Approvals Start Ahead Of Dec. Jan. Re-routing

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TSC Mass Transfer Approvals Start Ahead Of Dec – Jan Re-routing


The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has initiated a widespread approval process for teacher transfers, aiming to redirect delocalized teachers before the upcoming school term. According to information from the Commission’s headquarters, both regional and inter-regional transfer requests are being processed to facilitate transfers in December and early January.





At the regional level, teachers are relocated from one county to another within the same region, overseen by TSC Regional Directors. Meanwhile, TSC transfer boards at the national level are responsible for approving transfers for teachers seeking to move to counties outside their stationed region.





Approximately 26,871 teachers are seeking transfers back to their home counties, having faced challenges in previous mass transfers due to a lack of suitable placements. By June 30, about 46,926 primary and secondary school teachers had requested transfers to their home counties, with only 20,055 successfully relocated.





The Commission’s transfer policy ensures that there are suitable replacements and vacancies in the departing teacher’s station before approving a transfer request. Education CS Mr. Ezekiel Machogu emphasized the TSC’s mandate to ensure equitable distribution and optimal utilization of teachers in all public basic education institutions, as mandated by the Constitution.






Teachers interested in transfers must submit requests, and the decision is guided by criteria such as equitable distribution, optimum utilization of teachers, vacancy availability, the need for replacement, existing staffing norms, and other considerations deemed relevant by the TSC.





Delocalized teachers can monitor the status of their applied transfers through the online TSC transfer application portal. Successful applicants will collect their transfer letters from TSC County offices and report to their new stations in January.





Key terms related to online transfers include “Pending,” “Acknowledged,” “Not Approved,” and “Approved,” each reflecting different stages of the transfer process. Teachers interdicted by the TSC, particularly 129 non-local teachers in the North Eastern region, face hearings in December for failing to report back to their stations as directed.





The TSC had introduced delocalization to promote national cohesion, prevent conflicts of interest in school management, and address teacher shortages in specific regions by transferring teachers outside their places of origin.

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