Another Child Suffers Brutal Fate In School For Serving Excess Meal. School Closed.

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School Director Detained & School Shut After Assault On A Student Over Serving Excess Chapatis.



Agnes Mwangi breaks down next to her 13- year- old son who was reportedly assaulted by a teacher and students at Gremon Education centre in Bamburi area, Mombasa County.





What you need to know:

Last Sunday, Mr Fredrick Ngure received a distress call informing him that his son was sick in school and that he must rush him to hospital.




He drove quickly to the Gremon Education Centre in Bamburi, Mombasa County, and found his 13-year-old son with injuries all over his body.



The Grade 6 pupil was in pain and had scars from what he learnt were beatings the child suffered a week earlier.




On making inquiries, Mr Ngure said, he found out that his son had allegedly been assaulted by the school’s director and some students.




“My son was beaten like a thief just because he ate extra chapatis on January 23. He was locked up in a room, beaten by the director and other students after eating five chapatis.”




Police in Kadzandani, Nyali, are holding the headteacher of the private school in connection with the assault.

Another suspect, a Form Four student, was still at large and detectives were looking for him.




Nyali deputy police boss Ibrahim Dafallah said they are investigating the assault.

“We have arrested the principal and are pursuing another suspect. Once we’ve completed investigations, we will charge them in court. We are also waiting for the P3 form.”




Mr Ngure said his family would not relent until the assailants are punished.

“The school administration made the mistake of giving my son over to fellow students to be disciplined. He was beaten and locked up in a dormitory for a whole week and he did not go to class.”




The teenager was being treated at Coast General Teaching and Referral Hospital for injuries to his kidneys and genitals.

“We have just come out of the first session of dialysis and he still needs to be examined further to find out his true condition,” Mr Ngure said.




Gremon Education Centre Principal Nancy Gachewa said the pupil was attacked by fellow pupils and no teacher was involved.





“But since the matter is under investigation, we leave it there,” she said.

On Tuesday, Coast regional Education Director Adan Hussein ordered the school closed, adding that it was not registered.




“Its primary and secondary wings are closed until they fulfil the education ministry requirements,” Mr Hussein said.

Mombasa County Director of Education Peter Magiri said they had launched an independent investigation and they will file a detailed report today (Wednesday).





“We are aware of the incident that happened to the young man. We have a team of investigators from the county department of education who visited the school and the boy in hospital,” he said.




“Assault is a criminal offense and we will leave this to be handled by the police.

“On our side, we are looking at the cause and everything involved and action will be taken against the school administration if they are found at fault.”



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