“We’re Happy Sharing Our Husband Under The Same Roof.” Kenyan Co-Wives Believe Sharing Is Caring.

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Two Kiambu-based Kenyan ladies have told how they became co-wives and started a family together.





Sarah, the first wife, admitted that accepting Maureen as her co-wife was difficult at first, but they grew to like each other and formed a great bond over time.





The two ladies reside in Juja with Abraham, their husband, who they claim loves and treats them equally.




After their husband, Abraham married both of them, Sarah and Maureen have been living together as co-wives, and they now love and support each other as sisters.





Sarah, Abraham’s first wife, spoke on the Metha ya Kagoni YouTube channel about how she ultimately allowed Maureen to be her co-wife after years of being her husband’s mistress.




When she was pregnant with her first child, she stated she discovered regular communication between her husband and Maureen.





She planned to wait until she discovered photos of Maureen’s child on her phone before confronting her husband about his infidelity.






She worked up the confidence to question her husband if he was having an affair with Maureen at this point.






Abraham did not dispute having an affair with the woman and even admitted to having a child with her.





Sarah was taken aback when her husband admitted to having an affair with Maureen, but she eventually accepted the truth and chose to stay in her marriage.





Sarah met Maureen in person months later after learning about her and the two began to get along as co-wives.





Despite the fact that the arrangement began as a joke, the co-wives believe they prefer living with their spouse and children.





It began on their weekly Sunday outings, when they all took their children out together.





They would, however, occasionally get late, and Maureen would be obliged to spend the night in her husband’s Juja house, where he shared a home with Sarah.






Maureen gradually moved into the Juja residence over the course of a few days. It’s been one and a half years since they moved into their Juja home as co-wives.







They said they love and respect each other and see each other as a friend and sister in addition to being co-wives. Since each of them have their sleeping room, the co-wives confessed that its upto their husband to decide which room he would sleep every night.

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