Orange Democratic Movement Issues Direct Tickets 50 Bigwigs

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*50 ODM Big Guns to get Direct Tickets*

The Orange 🍊 Democratic Movement has resolved to issue Direct Tickets to fifty of its key members, with several leaders already issued with the tickets.




On Friday, Kajiado Governor Joseph Ole Lenku became the first senior leader to be awarded the ticket publicly, moments after he decamped Jubilee Party to join the ODM. Former Garissa Governor, Nathif Jama, also revealed he already got nomination ticket on ODM Party.




The Party will issue more Direct Tickets to several top officials contesting for various seats at all levels.




Top on the list of Direct Nominations include; in Nairobi are Edwin Sifuna, Esther Passaris, Babu Owino and George Aladwa. In Narok are Senator Ledama Ole Kina and MP Moitalel Ole Kenta. In Kisii are Hon. Simba Arati, Timothy Bosire, Janet Ongera, Pavel Oimeke and Ben Momanyi.





In Coast Direct Tickets will go to Hamadi Boga (Kwale) and Mishi Juma Mboko (Likoni, Mombasa).




In Luo Nyanza are Prof. Peter Anyang’ Nyong’o, James Aggrey Orengo, James Nyikal, Millie Odhiambo, Junet Mohamed, Gladys Wanga, Peter Kaluma, Dr. Ochillo Ayacko and Eddy Gicheru.




In Kakamega and Vihiga are Emmanuel Wangwe, Tindi Mwale, Bishop Titus Khamala, Peter Nabulindo, Godfrey Osotsi, Christopher Aseka, Caleb Amisi and Florence Mutua. Kakamega Governor’s Ticket will go to Fernandes Barasa.




Those affected by these ODM Party actions will be *refunded* their fees and considered for *absorption* into the Government.




NEB will do nominations in Kilifi on April 4, Taita Taveta and Kwale on 5, Mombasa on 6, Kisii and Nyamira on 7, Vihiga and Busia on 12, Kisumu on 13 and Siaya on 14.




Further nomination schedule includes; Bungoma and Tranzoia on April 15, Migori on 16, Homabay on 18 and Kakamega on 19.




Private contributions to the party are not solicited, therefore, consider such demands as extortions.


*Whatever you do with this information is non of my business*

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