ODM Leader,Rt. Hon Raila Odinga Visits Awendo, Nyanza To Launch Development Projects.

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ODM Leader, Raila Odinga Visits Awendo, Nyanza To Launch Development Projects.

The ODM party leader Raila Amolo Odinga has taken to a tour today Thursday 2nd December, 2021 in honor of an invitation by the area Member Of Parliament, Hon Walter Awendo.

While briefing the public on Raila’s planned visit, the Migori County Senator Hon Dr. Ochilo Ayacko, in a video clip that went viral, said that he was particularly grateful as the county will be privileged to host the possible next president of the republic of Kenya come 2022, Rt. Hon. Raila Amolo Odinga who visits the region for the benefit of farmers, traders and medical fraternity.

He stated that Raila’s visit is not purely political but an opportunity to roll out both economic projects and economic plans. Key in his agenda is to visit a market at Dede trading center that’s under construction. Rt. Hon Raila would then proceed to meet the workers and farmers of Sony sugar company to deliver what he termed ‘messege’ from the government concerning the growth of cane miller, Sony in the region.

The Senator, Hon Dr. Ayacko informed the public that the former premier, who is also the political kingpin of Luo Nyanza would then turn to the grand opening of the completed Awendo Medical Training College MTC that will give a chance to numerous Kenyans an opportunity to study medical related programs.

Area MP Hon Walter Owino with a team at the KMTC Awendo to be opened.


“The Right Hon. Raila Amolo Odinga will then address the residents of Migori County and Kenya at large. I therefore urge everyone to turn up in large numbers to receive our leader.” Added the Country Senator.

Earlier in the day, in a televised interview by Citizen TV, the area MP Hon Walter Owino expressed appreciations in readiness to host Rt. Hon. Raila Amolo Odinga to the opening of the KMTC project which is located within his constituency off Awendo town. He did inform the public that the entire project cost taxpayers money ksh. 63M.



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