Politics Of Betrayal? Cracks Show On Ruto’s Political Walls As Partners Cry Foul.

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During the campaign period, William Ruto used to brag that he is always an honest man of God.



He used to sign agreements and claim that his were honest agreements that would be fulfilled immediately he takes



over power unlike the bullish agreements Azimio were signing with parties.




Well, Ruto took over power but unfortunately, he hasn’t been living up to some of his top promises like delivering a




50/50 Cabinet for men and women and now, there is a looming breakup among parties in his Kenya Kwanza coalition.



That is because as we are currently speaking, President William Ruto’s Kenya Kwanza house is on fire after details leaked of an inside tussle between some parties in the coalition.





According to Nation Africa through their official telegram page,



ANC and Ford Kenya parties are now accusing Ruto’s UDA party of greed.




Infact, the two parties are even regretting their move of signing a deal that gave UDA party upper hand in Kenya Kwanza coalition.




That comes after Ruto’s decision to reward many of UDA party loyalists and left out many of ANC and Ford Kenya party members.



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