President William Ruto’s Government Proposes Increasing NSSF Deductions.

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President William Ruto has proposed the increment of money saved monthly by workers with the National Social Security Fund (NSSF).





The new changes are captured in Article 20 of the NSSF Act 2013,




which the president said will be implemented once the case against it is out of court.





The act proposes to bump up the monthly contributions to the fund to 6% of an employee’s pensionable earnings.





Speaking on Saturday, September 17, during the Kenya Kwanza Parliamentary Group meeting,





Ruto said it is imprudent to continue contributing KSh 200 monthly to the agency terming it as a joke.






“We are going to implement the new NSSF law once we get it out of court either by settlement or what they have directed.





It is not possible for us to continue contributing KSh 200 to NSSF and pretend that we are saving. It is not saving; it is a joke,” said Ruto.




Further in his speech, the head of state insisted that saving is biblical and that those who fulfil it would probably go to heaven. “Saving is biblical.




The Bible says a good man leaves an inheritance for his children. So for those of you who are believers,




you will be fulfilling what the bible says and you could possibly go to heaven,” he added.

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