Public Charges At DP Ruto For Attacking The Government He Serves In At Kiambu.

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Deputy President Dr William Ruto, has found himself in trouble again with Kenyans just two days after his controversial statement which he made against Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), after the second in command dared and warned the government which he is currently serving in over increasing the public debt again in the upcoming financial year of 2022/2023.




Speaking in Kiambu County today during his presidential campaign rallies as reported by Citizen television, the second in command warned the government against increasing the public debt again in this year’s financial year, as the Treasury prepares to read the new year budget claiming that he does not want to continue seeing the national debt keep on increasing unreasonably, as he aims to ascend to power if elected president on August 9 general elections.

This statement has elicited many reactions from Kenyans, where most of them have fired back at the second in command blasting him for criticising the government which he is serving in as if he an opposition leader.




Some argued that the DP is thinking that they are fools and will now embrace him for attacking the same government in which he has contributed to its failure that has led to increase in foreign debts. They added that if he wants to be in opposition then he should just resign and start criticising the government.

Here are some of their reactions on Facebook:

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