Shock! School In Bomet Where Top Candidate Scored 137 Marks

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KCPE: Bomet School Where Top Candidate Scored 137 Marks


KCPE: Bomet school where top candidate scored 137 marks

As other schools are celebrating their good grades in Bomet county a school has made history by breaking a different record.




In Chingondi Primary School the top candidate scored 137 marks in the recent released Kenya Certificate of Primary Examinations (KCPE) results.




The candidate scored 24% in English 10% in Kiswahili 17% in Mathematics 32% in Science and 23% in Social Studies all summing up to 137 marks.




The school which had an entry of seventeen candidates registered a mean score of 86.04 marks.




Shocking enough the last candidate only managed to get 44 marks out of the possible 500.




He scored 15% in English 6% in Kiswahili 17% in Mathematics 3% in Science and 3% in Social Studies.



KCPE: Bomet school where top candidate scored 137 marksResults for Chingondi Primary School

Other means scores included 67, 72, 79, 86, 60, 110. Generally the school recorded poor performance i the 2021 KCPE exams.

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