Teacher Management Information System (TMIS);Portal ,Registration, Login, Check Status and Returns Submission

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TSC-Teacher Management Information System, TMIS

The Teacher Management Information System (TMIS) is an online platform for teachers to update their data from the Teachers Service Commission(TSC)

In this platform any teacher  registered by the commission can update their biodata teacher’s details, basic school details, and much more.

From time to time the Ministry of Education encourages teachers and school heads to update their school’s information online on the TMIS platform. Only teachers with a TSC number can access the online portal and fill and update all the necessary details.

TMIS aims at catering for the needs of both employed and non-employed teachers. This way, they avail various services on the online platform and continuously update to fulfill members’ needs.

TSC TMIS portal registration process

1.Visit the official TSC website by using the address tsc.go.ke

2.On the website, click on Teacher Online at the home page’s middle section. It is next to TPAD that grants access TPAD2 login page

3.You will be directed to teachersonline.tsc.go.ke, whereby you can access the TMIS platform

4.You will notice a tab labeled official, on the lower-left section of the website with empty spaces to fill in your username and password.

5.On the username space, write your TSC number and enter welcome in the password section. Press log in after entering all information.

6 The action opens a window that will inform you to enter a new password and retype to confirm.

7.Once you are done, click save

8.The operation will redirect you to the homepage, whereby you can log in using your TSC number and new password.

9.You can utilize the teachers’ online portal using the following steps to check your registration status

10.Click on the registration status on the online portal

11.On the following page, enter your ID or passport number and press search

12.If successful, you will receive your TSC registration confirmation. One can receive in progress, verified, registered, reset, rejected, incomplete, and the status can be blank in some cases.

How can one log in to the TMIS platform?

1.On the TMIS portal, log in with your TSC number as the username and your newly created password or Go directly to the site, https://teachersonline.tsc.go.ke/

2.Enter your username and password on the text box at the left lower section of the website labeled official.

3.Once you hit log in, you will have direct access to the platform and update your information as you desire

Teacher Service Commission (TSC) Login

1.Visit the official Teachers Service Commission website and click Teachers Online. You can also go directly to the online platform by following the official link.

2.Enter your username and password on the text box at the left lower section of the website labeled official.

3.Once you hit log in, you will have direct access to the platform and update your information as you desire.

How to update teachers’ data on the TSC TMIS Portal

Heads of institutions are required to update their teachers’ data consistently. Below is a process that you should follow if you want to update different details about the teachers.

Updating teachers’ mobile phone numbers

1.After you have logged into TMIS, click on the “Teachers” tab which gives you a list of teachers in the institution.

2.On the “action” column, click the icon written EDIT on the right side of the window. This will enable the edit mode.

3.Enter the correct mobile number, then click on “SAVE.”

4.You can do this to all teachers whose details need to be updated.

How to update deployment data.

If the school head wants to request a swap, they should:

1.Click the “Add swap record tab.”

2.Enter the details that are required

Online teacher registration form

TSC strictly does not accept any paper application, and teacher registration is done online. To register online:-

1.Open the teachers’ online services website

2.You will see several tabs, click on the registration tab

3.Select “New Teacher Registration”

4.You will be directed to another page where you can begin the process of registration.

How To Do TMIS Returns

1.Go to the official TSC website on tsc.go.ke

2.Click on the “Online Services” tab then select “Teachers Online Services.”

3.A new tab will open. On the left side of the window, there is a column, written Official. Fill in your username, and your password then click on Log In.

4.After you have logged in, click on the “TMIS Returns” tab then “Submit Teachers Returns” tab

5.A new page will open. On the “Basic Details” page type in all the information required correctly, then click on “Save.”

6.Once you are done, click on the “Next to Enrollment” tab.

7.The ordinary enrollment page will open, type in all the details correctly, then click on “Save.”

8.Click on the “Next To Teachers Details” tab

9.On the new page, key in any information about the teachers on the “Action” column then click on “Save.”

10.If there are teachers with special needs select them, then add the special need they have

11.If you have teachers on study enter the details of what the teacher is pursuing by selecting the teacher from the list displayed, then enter the course that he/she is taking.

12.Enter the Start and End date

13.Click on the study area

14.Click on the Training mode, then on the “Action” column, click on “Save.”

15.Click on KCPE/KCSE performance where you enter the mean of the candidate class subjects from 2015 to date

16.If you would like to change your password, click on the utilities

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