Teachers react Countrywide to TSC’s Teacher Professional Development TPD roll out.

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Teachers Service Commission on Wednesday this week 22nd September, 2021 made a move to roll out a teacher professional development plan to aid what the commission’s CEO, Dr Nancy Macharia termed ‘professionalization of the teaching’ career.

The Commission (TSC) enjoys a statutory mandate through the TSC Act Cap 212 section 11 (e) to facilitate professional development of teachers. In an attempt to achieve this objective, the commission has what they call comprehensive Teacher Development Policy framework that spells out the seven (7) Kenya Professional Teaching Standards (KePTS) for both teachers and instructional leaders.

In order to achieve this, the commission has fully contracted institutions such as
✍️ Mount kenya university
✍️ Kenyatta university
✍️Kenya Education of management institute.
The institutions since begun rolling out the program modules to implement TDP policy on Kenyan teachers which include:-
-Course structure
-Module outline (levels 1-6)
-Mode of delivery
-Training design

Mount Kenya University for instance has come up with a mobile phone application, MKU App to allow for easy application and registration process.

The move by TSC however, does not sit well with the the teachers who’ve taken to different platforms to reasons and also angrily vent out. Check some of the reactions.

In one reaction, a teacher laughed off the move, he felt TSC thinks teachers are not competent enough. No wander, they dragged into more plans while the unions are quiet and watching.

In another post from a separate wall, a lamented and regretted the day Sossion, former Knut Sec Gen, let go the union. It attracted consequences and here, they are.

Teachers regretted what they called the fall of their unions that for along were effective in addressing their plight.

Display of demands on teachers



But, are there available options for teachers??


Financial implications well calculated by a teacher on one of the social platforms

To this teacher, he plainly said NO, in no uncertain terms.

Feel the pain expressed

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