“There Will Be No Public Services For You.” Health CS, Kagwe Warns Non Vaccinated Kenyans.

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Health Cabinet secretary, CS Mutai Kagwe has today sent a stern warning and a chilling announcement to every Kenyan who may have not sort the covid 19 jab.

According to the announcement, Kenyans who are not vaccinated against Covid-19 will not be allowed to access basic government services such as education, KRA, NTSA, among others which he did not make clear.

The CS urged Kenyans to ensure that they take a complete dose of the cobid-19 vaccine before December 21, 2021, or otherwise risk access to important access government services.

CS Kagwe also said that teenagers of the age 15- 18 years of age will be vaccinated against covid-19, exercise starting from November 23, 2021.

According to Kagwe KRA services, Education, Immigration services, Hospital and Prison visitation, NTSA and port services among others will not be available for unvaccinated citizens.

The CS also noted that the country is currently enjoying low positivity rates because of the measures that the government has put in place to curb its spread.

Kagwe further said that the government is planning and preparing for mass, door to door vaccination exercise countrywide commencing 26th November 2021 and has directed County health facilities to prepare.

This mass vaccination is meant to ensure that over 30 million Kenyans will acquire the vaccine by December.

Many people have reacted differently following the announcement from the ministry of health CS Mutai Kagwe. They have termed his remarks as dictatorship when Kenyans are supposed to go for the vaccine when willing.

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