Top 10 KCPE Ranking of Top Best Schools in Nyanza, One School Appearing 8 Times out of 10

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Following the announcement of the 2021 KCSE results by CS George Magoha, Kari Mwailu Primary school in Makueni County, Eastern Region, produced the best candidate nationally.




Speaking at Mtihani House, Nairobi, the CS noted that the examination achieved gender equality as boys recorded 50.28 per cent while girls recorded 49.72 per cent.




In addition, Magoha said that six papers recorded an improvement in the examinations as compared to the 2020 exams. These were English and composition, Science, Kiswahili and Insha, Social Studies and Kenya sign language composition.




However, three papers, Mathematics, English Language, and religious studies recorded a drop as compared to the 2020 exams.





Here are the top 10 Schools and Candidates in Nyanza region:



1. Muriithi Gakena…….432 marks………Maseno Girls boarding in Kisumu county.




2. Polycup Kiyondi…….428 marks……Ober Boys in Homa Bay county.




3. Amwoma Griffins…..427 marks….Eronge Adventist Boarding in Nyamira.



4. Matagaro Anthony….. 42

marks….Eronge Adventist Boarding in Nyamira.



5. Deborah Joash….422 marks……Eronge Adventist Boarding in Nyamira.



6. Emmanuel Carson……417 marks….Eronge Adventist Boarding in Nyamira




7. Mong’are Sophine……416 marks….. Eronge Adventist Boarding in Nyamira




8. Mariga Ann….415 marks…….Eronge Adventist Boarding in Nyamira.




9. Thomas Ruth…. 415 marks……Eronge Adventist Boarding in Nyamira




10. Ogeto Carolyn…..414 marks…..Eronge Adventist Boarding in Nyamira



From the sample result, it’s clear that Nyamira Nyamira county is leading the schools in Nyanza county in terms of the 2021 KCSE performance. Out of the top 10, 8 of them are from Nyamira county, that is, Eronge Adventist Boarding school. Therefore, this is the best school in Nyanza Region when we consider the top 10 Schools in Nyanza Region.

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