Top TSC Official Loses Job For Abuse Of Office

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A top official of the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has been laid off following claims of soliciting for tenders from principals, corruption and abuse of office.





Kennedy Juma Mulunda, who was a deputy chief executive before being fired, was found guilty of abusing his position to intimidate more than 10




principals of different schools in Western and Nyanza into awarding contracts to particular companies.



After investigating the matter and finding Dr. Mulunda guilty of making threats to deal with teachers who




refused his advances should he succeed Dr. Nancy Macharia as CEO, a team of commissioners made the decision to fire him.




Following overwhelming evidence against him, Dr Macharia, who is in-charge of the secretariat staff served him with termination letter dated June 20.





“Pursuant to the provisions of clause 10 of your employment contract, the commission has made a decision to terminate your employment contract with effect from June 20, 2022,” reads the letter by Dr Macharia.






In the TSC’s termination letter, Dr Macharia said Dr Mulunda was invited to show cause why his contract of employment could not be terminated on the grounds that he breached the Public Officers and Ethics Act.





Dr Mulunda denied the allegations before the committee.






“The commission has carefully reviewed your case, the evidence presented before it as well as your written response and determined that




you were guilty of the allegations raised against you which is in violation of the terms and condition of your contract,” said Dr Macharia.

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