TSC Draws A Grand Plan For School Administrators In Acting Capacity.

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Reprieve for TSC teacher school administrators in acting capacity.



The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is hastening its process to confirm school administrators in various primary and secondary schools.



The Commission is struggling to fix the numerous gaps created by many school administrators who left and are still leaving the service as a result of retirement and other factors.



Currently at least 3,000 primary school teachers are running without proper school administrators.



In some of the schools, a headteacher is lacking and only a deputy is acting instead while others do not even have a deputy but a senior teacher.





Primary school teachers in grade C4 and are in acting capacity as school heads are on their way to head the schools in latest plan by the Commission which targets to fill the vacant posts by December.



In areas classified as Asal (Arid and Semi Arid Lands) and Hard to Staff the Commission has directed the teachers in acting capacity to be confirmed on affirmative action.




An example of promotion on affirmative action is when a primary school teacher acting as Senior Teacher but still in Grade C1 is promoted to Grade C2 where senior teachers belong even if he/she lacks a Diploma which is a requirement to be a Senior Teacher besides other requirements.





In primary school teachers acting as Senior Teachers, Deputy Headteachers and Headteachers will be promoted despite lacking all requirements as outlined in the Career Progression Guidelines (CPG).





However for teachers in other regions the teachers must have served in their current acting position for at least three years to be considered for promotion besides having the required qualifications.





In addition the teachers must have been actively involved in filling and submitting their termly Teacher Performance Appraisal Development (TPAD) ratings besides having no previous disciplinary case.





TSC through circular number 14/2021 said promotions of teachers shall be in accordance with the Career Progression Guidelines in force.


The Commission further said teachers serving in ASAL and hard to staff areas and are holding administrative positions in an acting capacity shall be promoted progressively until they obtain grades commensurate to their respective positions.




In the CBA 2021 – 2025 the Commission listed the following areas as the official ASAL and Hard to staff areas;

1) Baringo North; Tiaty East, Tiaty West and Marigat sub-counties in Baringo County.

2) Garissa County

3) Suba and Mbita sub-counties in Homa Bay County

4) Isiolo County

5) Mashuuru, Loitoktok and Kajiado West sub-counties in Kajiado County

6) Kwale County

7) Magarini and Ganze in Kilifi County

8) Lamu County

9) Mandera County

10) Marsabit County

11)Mumoni, Mutito North and Tseikuru sub-counties in Kitui County

12) Narok South and Narok North sub-counties in Narok County

13) Samburu County

14) Taita Taveta County

15) Tana River County

16) Turkana County

17) Wajir County

18) West Pokot County



After signing of the CBA 2021 – 2025 on 13th July 2021 between teachers unions and TSC, the Commission in the CBA said that promotion of teachers in Asal and Hard to Staff will be progressive.




“Promotions of Teachers shall be in accordance with the Career Progression Guidelines  in force however teachers serving in ASAL and hard to staff areas and are holding administrative positions in an acting capacity shall be promoted progressively until they obtain grades commensurate to their respective positions,” reads the CBA.




The Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) secretary general, Collins Oyuu, congratulated TSC after signing of Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) 2021 – 2025.




Oyuu clarified that what TSC has done is to list the hard to staff areas and maintained that they are putting administrators on acting capacity regardless of their grade, who will continue to serve in those administrative positions in the hard to staff areas until they attain their respective grades for confirmation.




“Those areas are hardship but hard to staff, meaning, even positions of Headtechers and Deputies nobody is ready to be there, and those who are there are not even qualified for those positions in terms of what we have in the CBA,” said Oyuu.



“They are promoted to act in those positions because those areas are hard to staff and nobody  is willing to go there,” he added.




Oyuu added that what TSC is looking at is the interest an individual teacher has in line with serving  under acting capacity of administration in those areas prior to ones grade until when the teacher attains the full grade of administrator for full confirmations of the position the teacher was acting before.




In September last year TSC advertised mass recruitment of school administrators for primary and secondary schools and teacher training colleges as well as field officers.



They included Principal, Deputy Principal II and III, Curriculum Support Officer I and II, Senior Lecture I and II, Senior Master II, III and IV, Secondary Teacher I and II, Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher I and II, Senior Teacher I and II, Primary Teacher I.




Applicants were required to upload the following documents during application;

a) Letter of appointment to the current grade

b) Letter of appointment to the current responsibility

c) Certificate of good conduct from Directorate of Criminal Investigations

d) Clearance certificate by Higher Education Loans Board (HELB)

e) Clearance application from Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission

f) Clearance certificate from a Credit Reference Bureau (CRB)

g) Tax compliance certificate from Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA)



However following a Bill that was sponsored by former Jubilee nominated MP Gideon Keter Kenyans applying for government jobs will no longer be required to produce clearance certificates from KRA, Helb, DCI, CRB and the EACC until or unless an employment offer is guaranteed.




Grade TSC Scale Basic Pay
Basic Pay
No. of Notches
B5 5 21,756 27,195 6
C1 6 27,195 33,994 6
C2 7 34,955 43,694 6
C3 8 43,154 53,943 6
C4 9 52,308 65,385 7
C5 10 62,272 77,840 7
D1 11 77,840 93,408 7
D2 12 91,041 109,249 7
D3 13 104,644 125,573 7
D4 14 118,242 141,891 7
D5 15 131,380 157,656 7







Grade TSC Scale Commuter Allowance p.m
B5 5 4,000
C1 6 4,000
C2 7 5,000
C3 8 6,000
C4 9 8,000
C5 10 8,000
D1 11 12,000
D2 12 12,000
D3 13 14,000
D4 14 14,000
D5 15 16,000






Grade TSC Scale Disability Guide Allowance p.m
B5 5 20,000
C1 6 20,000
C2 7 20,000
C3 8 20,000
C4 9 20,000
C5 10 20,000
D1 11 20,000
D2 12 20,000
D3 13 20,000
D4 14 20,000
D5 15 20,000






Grade TSC Scale Annual Leave Allowance p.m
B5 5 4,000
C1 6 4,000
C2 7 6,000
C3 8 6,000
C4 9 6,000
cs 10 6,000
D1 11 10,000
D2 12 10,000
D3 13 10,000
D4 14 10,000
D5 15 10,000







Grade TSC Scale Annual Leave Allowance p.m
B5 5 4,000
C1 6 4,000
C2 7 6,000
C3 8 6,000
C4 9 6,000
cs 10 6,000
D1 11 10,000
D2 12 10,000
D3 13 10,000
D4 14 10,000
D5 15 10,000






                Grade            TSC Scale            Hse1 Nairobi Hse2 -Major Municipalities- Mombasa, Kisumu, Nakuru, Nyeri, Eldoret, Thika, Kisii and Kitale Hse3 -Other former Minor Municipalities               Hse4 – alI other areas
BS 5 6,750 4,500 3,850 3,200
C1 6 10,000 7,500 5,800 4,200
C2 7 16,500 12,800 9,600 7,500
C3 8 28,000 22,000 16,500 13,000
C4 9 28,000 22,000 16,500 13,000
C5 10 35,000 25,500 18,000 15,400
D1 11 45,000 28,000 21,000 16,800
D2 12 45,000 28,000 21,000 16,800
D3 13 45,000 28,000 21,000 16,800
D4 14 45,000 28,000 21,000 16,800
D5 15 50,000 35,000 25,000 20,000






Grade TSC Scale Hardship Allowance p.m
B5 5 6,600
C1 6 8,200
C2 7 10,900
C3 8 12,300
C4 9 14,650
C5 10 17,100
D1 11 27,300
D2 12 27,300
D3 13 31,500
D4 14 31,500
D5 15 38,100




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