TSC Transfers 10 Principals In Migori County

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The Ministry of Education has transfered principals in ten secondary schools in Migori county.




Migori county director of education in a letter dated January 27 said the heads have been



transfered (without indicating their destinations) and directed them to start




preparing for handing overs to Teachers Service Commission and auditors from January 30 and 31.




This shows the transfer is immediate.

Here is the list of affected schools:




  1. Sori Boys Secondary- Nyatike West
  2. Kanga Onditi Secondary- Nyatike South
  3. Kwibancha Girls Secondary- Ntimaru
  4. Moi Nyatike Secondary- Nyatike North
  5. Okenge Mixed- Nyatike North
  6. Uriri Boys- Uriri
  7. St Mary’s Mabera Girls- Mabera
  8. Koderobara Secondary- Rongo
  9. Abwao Secondary- Suna West
  10. Sakuri Girls- Kuria East


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