University Student Found Dead From Allegedly Abnormal Urge for Intercourse –

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A male student at Maasai Mara University was reported dead after suffering from priapism.


The first-year student developed the strange complications moments after making merry with his fellow students at the Narok-based institution.



According to a police report spotted by our team and which was filed under OB No. 05/24/02/2022, the student was admitted to hospital on Wednesday, February 23.

“At around 1600hrs, it was reported by the dean of Maasai Mara University, Mr Aden Mohammed, that there is a body of a student at shepherd hospital who was admitted yesterday 23.02.2022 at around at 1020hrs complaining of lower abdominal pain and constant erection of the pen*s from Saturday of 19/02/022,” partly reads the statement.

Police officers visited the hospital and identified the deceased as W.O.O, a first-year student aged 22 years.




Police established that W.O.O started complaining of constant erection of the organ after a meal with his friends on February 22.




He decided to go for treatment at the university clinic where he was treated and discharged.



His condition however worsened forcing his admission to the Narok Referral Hospital where he succumbed to the complications.




His body currently lies at the county facility mortuary awaiting autopsy.




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