Why TSC Will No longer Conduct Interviews For Teachers Replacement

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In accordance with the most recent commission changes, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) will no longer conduct interviews during the replacement of teachers’ exercises.




Using past primary recruitment results, TSC claims they will take the candidate who placed second in that particular subject in that particular county. The third candidate will be contacted to take the job if the second candidate doesn’t show up.




The school that wants to replace the teacher will be required to post the position and hold interviews if the subject combination was not included in the last primary recruiting.

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These criteria are currently applied to replace intern teachers who are hired on a permanent basis. The school head is usually contacted to take up the internship form and calls the participants in the recruitment process.





Because of this, if any unemployed teachers hope to be replaced in the future, they must appear at the TSC interview.






(a) Following the advertisement for recruitment of teachers for Primary schools, you are required to conduct a selection exercise for candidates wishing to be employed and submit the County Merit list to the TSC Headquarters. The list should be ratified by the County Selection Panel.





(b)The selection panel will be expected to exercise the highest degree of transparency and accountability, as stipulated in the Public Officers Ethics Act and TSC Code of Conduct and Ethics (2015). The TSC County Director is expected to induct members of the County Selection Panel on the relevant Sections of the Act before the commencement of the selection exercise.





(c) All applicants must be registered teachers in line with Section 23(1) of the Teachers Service Commission Act Cap 212. Those without Registration Certificates must attach a printout showing verified status as evidence of application for registration. However, applicants who do not meet registration requirements will not be recruited. TSC Guidelines for Recruitment.




(d) Applicants who apply for confirmation of results from KNEC should give the address of the County Director where they submitted their application. It is their responsibility to ensure that the results are received within 14 days after the verification of certificates.




(e) Applicants working in other Government Departments and who meet the requirements are eligible to apply.



(e) Applicants working in other Government Departments and who meet the requirements are eligible to apply.




(f) Upon submission of application letters, all applicants shall be given a serial number. The selection date and venue should be communicated at the same time.




(g) The Sub County Director MUST acknowledge all applications immediately upon receipt before the verification date and promptly advise those who do not meet the selection criteria (specifying the reasons).




(h) During the selection applicants must present original and legible photocopies of the following documents; –

  • National identification card
  • National Council of Persons with Disability (NCPWD) Card (where applicable);
  • KCPE certificate;
  • KCSE certificates (include first attempt certificate if one repeated exams) or A Level Certificate (where applicable);
  • PTE certificate;
  • Primary, Secondary Schools leaving certificates and other relevant testimonials.



(i) All applicants should be given equal opportunity. However, applicants with special needs should be considered on affirmative action, provided that they meet the stipulated recruitment criteria. TSC Guidelines for Recruitment.



(j) The selection date and venue must be displayed on notice boards at the County, Sub-County and Zonal offices at least seven (7) days before the selection exercise.




(k)The selection panel shall vet each applicant to establish if he/she meets the requirements of the TSC advertisement.





(l) Preference will be given to the applicants who have not been previously employed by the Commission

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