“You Are An Unsung Hero.” Kenyans Praise Hon. Babu Owino Following KCPE Results.

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Following the official release of Kenya Certificate Of Primary Examination results by the Education Cabinet



Secretary Ezekiel Machogu yesterday, Parents, teachers and candidates amongst other Kenyans took to social platforms to express varied emotions.




Amongst the elated are Kenyans who were directly touched by the results such as the candidates and their parents.




According to the CS report, Mathematics is amongst subject that were performed well and registered remarkable improvement, others being English and Kiswahili.




Besides teachers, one of the notable figures who’s greatly linked to the improvement in Mathematics in this year’s KCPE exams is Embakasi legislature Babu Owino.




Unknown to many,  Embakasi East Constituency MP, Babu Owino tirelessly conducted his signature online revision lessons in



Mathematics days to the National exams, which many candidates testified quite helped them improve their performance.




Below are samepled views picked for Mheshimiwa’s Facebook page




Thank you Kenyans for APPRECIATING my EFFORTS in the 2022 KCPE Exams.I’m so proud of our children and I will keep teaching and inspiring our kids to the best of my ability. Education is the key that unlocks the golden door to freedom.








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