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USAID is one of the leading NGOs spearheading grand International development and humanitarian efforts towards saving lives , reducing poverty, strengthening democratic governance and help people progress beyond assistance in the African continent.

Today, application for job opportunities is sought from qualified Kenyan citizens and other 3rd Country national on certain areas. Usaid-Ampath represented by the US agency for international development, while very closely collaborating with Ampath plus gives fair share to the African able youths.

Every position advertised is met with specific qualifications. However, general ones will include:-
1: Detailed Curriculum Vitae
2: Cover letter
3: 3-5 referees, non family members, not relatives
4: Online Application will only allow emailed Curriculum Vitae and cover page.

Positions Advertised include:-
Procurement officer
– Administrative Assistant
– Finance Manager
– Office Assistant
– Data Analysts
– Project Assistant
– Monitoring and evaluation assistance
– Program Account
-Assistant Project Assistants
– Sanitation Project Officer
– Medical officer
– Technical officer
– Clinical Nutrition/ Diabetes
– Clinical/ARF Service office
– Compliance Officer.
-Public Health Officer
– Livelihood officer.
– Drivers
Electronic submittion is also encouraged through the link below:-

Any applicant must quote the number of position title of their interest.

Application should reach:-
Deputy Executive Officer
Office of Management/ HR Division
USAID-Ampath/ South Sudan.

Timeline for the job application:
To On or 24th September 2021.

Each Job opportunity attracts with it an attractive pay package per month and allowances which include:-
-Monthly Salary Scale
-House allowance
-Commuter allowance
-Annual leave allowance
-Medical cover allowance
-Terms of service

Terms Of Service:
Each job opportunity carries with it specific requirements which include duties and responsibilities.

NB: Polite reminder: Be informed that Usaid – Ampath jobs due do not require payment of money at any level of recruitment. Therefore, be encouraged not to pay any amount of money to that effect. All the commutations are relaid through our official platforms, including reaching out to shortlisted candidates.

List containing the jobs is herein attached in pdf form.

Click here to view the pdf job opportunities


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