A Governor Has Reportedly Fired Top County officials Who Didn’t Campaign For Him.

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Last week governors who were elected for the next government in the next five years, took a oath of office.



Some governors are the first time to be elected into such position while others are serving for their second term.



In Bomet county, governor Hillary Barchok was re-elected to server his second in the office.





Hillary Barchok governor Bomet county. Photo courtesy.




This afternoon we have just received news that after he resumed office, he has sacked some county workers.




According to the source, Esther Kirong Chepkoech a reporter from Bomet county,



Barchok has sacked all Chief Officers and county ministers.



According to the source, Barchok took this action claiming that they compaigned against his re-election in the just concluded general elections.




However the source has not revealed the names of this officers and the ministry they were holding.





What are you views on this matter of governor sacking workers who were against their re-election?



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