Uhuru to Ruto: “Shut up or ship out!”

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In an interview run on citizen Tv by a senior news reporter Francis Gichuri amongst other senior editors at the state house, the president of the republic of Kenya broke the silence on a number of issues facing the country presently ranging from matters health, economy, succession to governance.

The head of state, in a rare fashion, while confronted with a question neighbouring on his relationship with his deputy Mr. William Samoei Ruto with whom they were jointly elected into office in 2013 on a jubilee party ticket, the head of state put it plainly that if his deputy, the second in command is not happy with the operations of the government, then he should quit.

“Should anyone be unhappy with the way the government is run, he has the option of quitting..” Said the Head of State. The president appeared incensed by incessant criticisms from his deputy and his team of misguided politicians. Anyone who no longer feels like working with us may give the opportunity to those who still believe in us “..there are those who believe in what we do, they can come in and propel Kenya forward, I do not push people to do or say only what we like.” Added HE Uhuru Kenyatta.

The president seemed concerned to have some people want to strategically share only on the successes of the government but are at the same time too keen on distancing themselves from the perceived failures of the government.
“It’s not possible to eat your cake and still have it..” reacted the president. A statement that is viewed to be directed at the DP William Ruto.

Uhuru appeared to make it known that his government does not discriminate against anyone. But it is not possible to incorporate those who no longer share in the vision of his administration so anchored on the big 4 agenda.
When persuaded on whether or not he would guide Kenyans on his successor, the president dismissed that as not being his responsibility. He however advised Kenyans to be extra cautious with the people they elect into office as that might turn into so many other things, including running Kenya down.

The president further noted that what Kenya needs are viable economic projects and not handouts..
“We need economic projects that will help plough back into our economy, employ youth but not simple handout. That’s why my administration can cite electric connectivity, roads amongst others..”


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