‘Kazi ni kazi” 17 side hustles to help you raise money for Christmas

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The holiday season will soon be here and as usual; Kenyans will certainly go big on spending.



From sultry nyama choma, lively Christmas parties, and the inevitable pocket draining trip to the upcountry folks, there’s no shortage of treats.



And we all know how it ends: dry pockets and mammoth bills come January.

On the other hand, you can ease some of the inevitable January struggles by engaging in some side hustles.

Here are some side gigs you can consider:

Broker Anything

Don’t be over-generous this mbuzi season. Broker anything.



Example: if a friend sends you to buy a laptop in town, top up Sh.1000. That’s about 4 Tuskers!


Just make sure you’re not caught otherwise since you may still need him in January.

You can also ‘import’ Mbuzi and chicken from the far-flung areas like Laikipia and sell in towns.



Offer catering services

This is also a favorite season for weddings and dozens of other parties. This is also a favorite season for weddings, dowry ceremonies, and dozens of other parties.



If you’re at home cooking and entertaining guests, then this could be your season.



Home Delivering Drinks

Make everyone merry with more than 260 Christmas drinks for all ages, from eggnog and hot Christmas cocktails, beers, and mulled wines are wildly popular during the festivities and it’s a lucrative market.



You can also hunt for exquisite champagnes and serve those looking for a different taste. If you can advertise online and do home deliveries, you’ll soon be the proud owner of a bulging wallet.





Again you can freelance as the local Paparazzi. You may, however, need to hire a quality printer and select a location frequented by revelers during the vacation season.




And with creativity, the sky could be the limit. For example, you can make portraits and arrange wild money-minting photoshoots.



Drive For Taxify or Uber

Fear of Christmas ‘blues’ should be enough to have you dust up your driving skills and look for driving gigs. You don’t even need to wait for trips from your Uber buddy- talk to that neighbor whose car is always parked at the basement.



If he/she is hesitating, just promise Sh.1000 daily (1000×30=Sh30,000) (And please keep your pledge).



Sell Your Junks

The ugly junk you still retain in the house could be a huge treasure to someone out there. Scour the house for stuff you no longer use…furniture, toys,

an old mattress, baby walker, desktop computer, shoes (ladies, are you hearing), the ‘dumb’ TV (you people you call flat screen TV smart?)…you name it.



You simply post it on social media and tell everyone who cares to listen. You never know. Your fare upcountry could come from the scrap!



Housesit Or Babysit

Tried and true, housesitting and babysitting are well-known ways to raise some extra cash.

Imagine this:

Schools are closing for 69 days! Now, sweet-talk the neighbors and friends with kindergarten age kids and give them an irresistible offer.

For instance, at Sh.100 daily, for 40 days, you will have Sh.4000. And since you’ll be playing to the gods of luck, you get 20 kids.

Friend, with your cool Sh.80000, you’ll be wishing that all days are Christmas days.



Sell Snacks in Busy Places

You can buy snacks and sell in popular holiday spots like Uhuru Park or near the beach (if you live in Mombasa) on the material days.

I am talking about sweets, yogurt, ice cream, and such. You might make a kill.



Rent out the car

If you rarely use your car and are comfortable hiring it out, you can sound out those interested in self-drives and add some coins to your Christmas savings basket.

Of course, you’ll need to do some due diligence to avoid falling into the hands of cons and ensure its insured.




Teaching is a fantastic way to make spare money for university and college students.

If you are waiting to graduate or have some subjects you were good in, you can advertise your services and even be moving door to door teaching.

You can charge per hour or a flat daily rate for groups. Also, consider teaming up with friends to be able to handle more units.



Be Santa

Do you have an amazing beard and love being around kids? Then you can make great money before Christmas acting Santa.



You will invest in Santa costume and talk to hotels, bars, and local businesses offering to help them promote their products as their Father Christmas.

I am told the rates can be excellent.






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