A Headteacher Rejects Transfer, Locks Doors For The New One.

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Agnes Nanyonjo was an acting headteacher at St. Augustine Primary School, and when she received her transfer letter, she refused to relocate to her new workstation Nanyonjo locked the new headteacher out of the office and also locked the classrooms for a week, which made pupils miss school.



The headteacher’s transfer was based on the school’s dismal performance in the 2020 Primary Leaving Examination, and the disciplinary committee has since summoned her.





A primary school in Uganda’s Gomba District has been forced to stick with two headteachers after the previous one rejected a transfer to another school.




St. Augustine Nakulamudde School has been shrouded in controversy after the headteacher rejected a transfer to Bukandula Church of Uganda Primary School.





Agnes Nanyonjo claimed she was still the substantive school head. In contrast, Daily Monitor reported that Madrine Gwaaliwo, who was posted to the school three weeks ago, headteacher’s office, also serves in the same position.




Acting headteacher upset over transfer The parents and teachers association chairperson, Sliveriyo Kyambadde, said Nanyonjo was the headteacher and posting her to another school as the deputy headteacher annoyed her.





“Nanyonjo was simply an acting headteacher and when she received her transfer letter from the district education officer earlier before the second term opened, she refused to relocate to her new work station for reasons best known to herself,” he said.





To assert her authority, Nanyonjo kept the office of headteacher under lock and key since the term started as Gwaaliwo executed her duties from the staffroom.


Pupils at the school also missed lessons during the first week of the term as Nanyonjo kept all classrooms closed, which prompted local leaders to break the padlocks.


School headteacher summoned by disciplinary committee.

The Gomba District Education Officer, Godfrey Kalyango, said they had over four meetings to resolve Nanyonjo’s issues, but the latter has refused to relocate to her new workstation.





“That lady has become stubborn as the district education department, we have forwarded her issue to the chief administrative officer,” he said.





Nanyonjo’s transfer, according to Kalyango, was based on the school’s dismal performance in the 2020 Primary Leaving Examination (UPE).


Gomba District Chief Administrative Officer, Joseph Kisubi, said Nanyonjo had already been summoned to appear before the district disciplinary committee.




“We hope this time she will show up and explain why she refused to go to her new workstation where she was posted,” he said.


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